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May 19, 2023


BLEMF 2023 logo

Different Ways to Think About Early Music

On Sunday, May 21, the Bloomington Early Music Festival kicks off a whole week of concerts and activities under the theme "Arabia, Iberia, and Latin America," expanding the focus of early music beyond Europe.

March 7, 2022


Francois Devienne

Harmonia Uncut: Curious and Decadent

We'll hear music of Francois Devienne, CPE Bach, and Frédéric Duvernoy performed in 1988 by Colin St. Martin and Richard Seraphinoff, who were students at the IU Early Music Institute at that time.

February 21, 2022


Phantasm Flights of Fantasy and Fugue

Harmonia Uncut: Phantasm's Flights of Fantasy and Fugue

We'll hear music from the viol consort Phantasm during their 1999 U.S. tour.

August 24, 2021


HUP broken consort

Harmonia Uncut: Antic Faces

Join us for arrangements of well-known Elizabethan tunes mixed with serious secular polyphony in this 2019 concert by the ensemble Antic Faces entitled "Joyne Hands - Elizabethan entertainments for mixed consort."

July 19, 2021


Michael McCraw and Washington McClain

Harmonia Uncut: Telemann Sandwich

Here's a delicious Telemann sandwich filled with CPE Bach! (Hold the mayo and mustard.)

July 5, 2021


HUP 34 Brade Bunch performers

Harmonia Uncut: "The Brade Bunch"

Head-banging viol consorts - really? YES! Join “The Brade Bunch” in Berkeley, CA in 2008 for some of the best music that has ever been.

June 21, 2021


Carmina Burana wheel

Harmonia Uncut: Thomas Binkley Remembered

Thomas Binkley died in April of 1995, and in September of that year a large group of former students and colleagues gathered to remember him with his own favorite kind music-making—live performance.

June 7, 2021


Les Nations concert

Harmonia Uncut: Naughty Notes

The year is 1983 and notes inégales are about to be heard for the first time in Recital Hall at the IU School of Music.

May 10, 2021


Old music manuscript

Harmonia Uncut: Arrangements of Bach

Judith Linsenberg has been living with her arrangements of Bach organ sonatas as trio sonatas for many years now, but we’re going to travel back to when she was getting to know the music for the first time.

April 26, 2021


Guillaume de Machaut, Le remède de fortune

Harmonia Uncut: "Fourteenth-Century Chamber Music"

What the heck is fourteenth century chamber music? Excerpts from a concert called “Fourteenth century chamber music” - performed by faculty of the Early Music Institute in Bloomington, Indiana, in 1989.

April 12, 2021


Thomas Binkley

Harmonia Uncut: Get Binked!

Thomas Binkley founded the Early Music Institute at IU School of Music in Bloomington, Indiana in 1980. We'll hear excerpts from the very first faculty performance.

March 29, 2021


Bloomington Bach Cantata Project logo

Harmonia Uncut: The Fifth of Six in the Seventh

A performance of Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam,” BWV 7, on February 26, 2017, in Bloomington, Indiana. It was the fifth of six cantatas in the seventh season of the Bloomington Bach Cantata Project.

March 1, 2021


The HIlliard Ensemble in 1980

The Hilliard Ensemble in 1980

We'll hear a performance from a 1980 cassette tape of the Hilliard Ensemble's first concert in NYC.

February 15, 2021


Baroque composer Giovanni Legrenzi

Harmonia Uncut: Legrenzi Suggests…  

The UNT Collegium Singers and Baroque Orchestra present several different ways of performing the music, just as Giovanni Legrenzi suggests. Check it out!

February 1, 2021


15th-century Jerusalem

Harmonia Uncut: Old School, New Perspective

Listen as Hebrew, Islam, and Christian traditions overlap and diverge as they spread around Europe and Asia, in a performance by ensemble Schola Antiqua.

January 19, 2021


Ensemble Sonnambula

Harmonia Uncut: Sleepwalking in 17th-Century Paris...

The ensemble Sonnambula plays music from seventeenth-century France by Lully, Lalande, and more at the Baruch Performing Arts Center in NYC of September 2017. Join us!

January 4, 2021


Quire Cleveland, St. Matthew Passion

Harmonia Uncut: Richard Davy's St. Matthew Passion

Let's hear some of Quire Cleveland's 2017 performance of the St. Matthew Passion by Renaissance composer Richard Davy.

December 21, 2020


Archbishop Karel II of Liechtenstein-Castelcorno.

Harmonia Uncut: Czech Out This Christmas Concert!

Tempesta di Mare created a very unusual Christmas concert of Czech music, most of which was found in a bishop’s library in the Moravian Court in Kroměříž. Singers, strings, brass, winds, and organ join together for festive music of the season.

December 7, 2020


Cathedral Christobel in Mexico City

Harmonia Uncut: Baroque in Texas

Join us for excerpts from the concert “Hecho en Mexico” by Austin Baroque Orchestra.

November 23, 2020


King James Bible

Parthenia, Dashon Burton, and King James

Travel with us back through time to October 2016. We’re visiting St. Luke in the Fields Church in New York City for “King James and his Bible: a musical portrait,” a concert presented by the viol consort Parthenia with guest bass-baritone Dashon Burton.


November 9, 2020


Saint Chapelle

Harmonia Uncut: An Alchymical Transformation

In January, 2020, Alchymy Viols underwent some friendly alchemy to become an ensemble of singers and instrumentalists perfect for the performance of Marc Antoine Charpentier’s 11th and final mass, first performed at the Sainte Chapelle in Paris, probably during the feast of the Assumption in 1699. We’ll hear some of that splendid mass and also Charpentier’s only Sonata among an oeuvre of well over 500 works.

October 26, 2020


The Rose Ensemble, HUP14

Harmonia Uncut: Musique et Masqueray

We'll hear excerpts from the Rose Ensemble's concert at the St. Thomas Aquinas Church in St. Paul in March of 2017. The concert comprised liturgical music composed in the style current in France in the seventeenth century, though not all the repertory is by French composers...

October 12, 2020



Harmonia Uncut: Loftus and Lapin - Not a law firm!

Harmonia Uncut brings you two performances from back in the time of concerts, one of Mozart from Gili Loftus, and one of Muffat from Matvey Lapin.

September 28, 2020


Detail from the concert program for Quire Cleveland's concert of music by William Byrd.

Harmonia Uncut: Quire Cleveland Performs William Byrd

Quire Cleveland performs music by William Byrd from a 2016 concert, “England’s Phoenix: William Byrd.”

September 14, 2020


Title page to a concert by Les Voix called Lachrimae.

Harmonia Uncut: Les Voix Humaines and Dowland's Teares

Les Voix Humaines and Nigel North, perform some very beautiful and unusual interpretations of John Dowland's Lacrimae, or Seaven Teares.

August 31, 2020


Machaut,complainte d'amant

Harmonia Uncut: Vajra Voices

Vajra Voices, directed by Karen R. Clark, is a female vocal ensemble that sings medieval to modern music. On February 1, 2020 they gave a concert called “In a Medieval Garden” in Santa Cruz, California. We’re going to listen to them sing music of Guillaume de Machaut accompanied by guest artist and multi-instrumentalist Mary Springfels. Join us!

August 17, 2020


Virgin Mary

Harmonia Uncut: Monteverdi Collab

Add the Dark Horse Consort and the Chant Schola to the Green Mountain Project (in Italian, “green mountain” easily translates to “monte verdi” - just saying); gather in the Church of St. Jean Baptiste in New York City on January 3, 2019; stir well; and perform the Monteverdi Vespers of 1610. I wonder whether this is the first performance that uses all female cornetto players…

August 3, 2020


Viol consort, Quaver

Harmonia Uncut: Quaver

In 2018, the viol consort Quaver performed a concert at the Viola da Gamba Society of America's conclave in North Carolina and surprised their listeners with some unexpected approaches to familiar music.

July 20, 2020


Infusion Baroque Ensemble

Harmonia Uncut: Infusion Baroque

Music from Infusion Baroque's performance in the 2017 Indianapolis Early Music Festival in a program that featured Italianate composers of the 17th and early 18th centuries.

July 6, 2020


Viola da Gamba, Deutsches Museum.

Harmonia Uncut: Impossible Historical Performances

On this episode of Harmonia Uncut, we visit two lone musicians, one in Ohio and one in Berlin, already alone before the pandemic, recording themselves playing all the parts of their pieces. Tricky stuff!

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