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Joe Di Prisco reads "My Last Resume" and "My Mission Statement."
Barb Schwegman reads "Memory of Water," "Night Walking," and "Basketball."
Eric Rensberger reads "End of the Day," "10/17/18," "Autobiography Vol. VI," and "Old Guy Observation."
Colleen Wells reads "A Bug’s Life," "Cut and Carry," "Gardening with the Aunts," and "Once Every Seventeen Years.”
Doris Lynch reads "Feeding an Orphan Reindeer Fawn," "Late August Beyond the Glacier," and "Leaving Kivalina."
Daniel Lassell reads "Evolution Chart," "Tussle," "The Way Home," "Taking Care," and "Late Capitalism."
Patsy Rahn reads "The Roots of Kindness," "A Contemplation of Death," and "Reverie."
Danika Stegeman reads "I mouth the word 'motherless'," as well as an excerpt from her second book Ablation.
Karen Rigby reads "Why My Poems Arrive Wearing Black Gloves" and "Black Roses."
Daniel Lassell reads "How to Pet a Llama," "Mom Woke to a Coyote Staring in Her Window,""Taking in the Stray," "The Llama Named James and John Sons of Thunder," and "An Account of a Llama’s Death."
Colleen Wells reads "Watching" and "Summertime and the Livin’ is Almost Easy."
Michael Luis Dauro reads selections from his poem "Woman With No Name."
Barb Schwegman reads "Playing Jacks," "Jesus Lucia," "Leaving El Salvador," and "For Walter and Scott."
Rachel Ronquillo Gray reads "Girl as Teenage Rebellion," "Good Girl Gone Rogue," "Girl As Full Moon," and "Girl as America the Beautiful."
Doris Lynch reads "In the Wee Hours," "Night Swimming," "Beneath the Voices of Ravens," "Night Duties for Trees," "Sangre de Cristo Mountains," and "Night Visitor."
Laurie Higi reads "Your Eye in My Mind!," "Dolly Parton and the Backs of My Ears," "The Burn Hidden by the Horizon," "A Task Without Praise," and "Just What I Could Fit in My Pockets."
Josh Brewer reads "Roll Jordon," “Suspended Bluegill,” “When a calendar,” “When words are data,” and “When she feigned appetite.”
Antonia Matthew reads “Taraxacum officinale,” “Evening coming on,” “Unfurled,” and “Matisse’s Studio.”
Shana Ritter reads "In these New Times," "Mapping," and "the tides of my heart."
Eric Rensberger reads "Words," "It Started to Rain," "A Cursing," and "Attention."
Tony Brewer reads "Tea Party of Grief," "Maximum Dog," "Strong Female Character," "Seeing Things," "What Would Thoreau Do?," and "Manual for Fixing."
Antonia Matthew reads "Rabbit Mysteries," "Come outside into the sunshine," and "March 23rd, 2020."
Michael Luis Dauro reads selections from the "Woman With No Name."