Pushing City Limits: Bloomington Annexation Coverage
Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton's administration plans to annex 8,350 acres and 14,000 people into the city by 2024. The issue is being hotly debated by officials and Monroe County residents who would be affected. Hamilton says the city's last annexation took place in 2004, and the city will fall behind if it doesn't make additions.
The idea is not new, and was first put forward in 2017. But plans were interrupted by an addition to that year's legislative budget: Section 11.8 which prohibited annexation action proposed in the first six months of 2017. The city called Section 11.8 a legislative overreach and brought a lawsuit against Gov. Eric Holcomb to the Indiana Supreme Court. The court ruled in favor of Bloomington in December 2020. Talks of annexing parts of Monroe County resumed in May.
The city has held multiple meetings gathering public input, and had recieved some pushback. Bloomington City Council adopted annexation ordinances in September. The remonstration window ended January 6, 2022 and certified results void 5 of the 7 areas for annexation. But the process is far from over. Court proceedings will most likely determine final annexation adoption.
Where are the areas up for annexation?
Who To Follow:
Joe Hren is a reporter and anchor for WTIU and WFIU News:
Annexation trial of areas on Bloomington’s southwest side begins Monday | news - Indiana Public Media https://t.co/Twd6JNqQrj
The court Wednesday ruled against the city of Bloomington and awarded damages filed by remonstrators blocking the city’s annexation attempt of Areas 1A and 1B.
Bloomington city officials are appealing the annexation ruling over the constitutionality of the state’s 2019 law on the validity of remonstrance waivers.
County Residents Against Annexation filed a petition in Monroe Circuit Court Wednesday with attorneys Bunger and Robertson against Bloomington mayor John Hamilton, city council, and Monroe County auditor Catherine Smith.
Monroe County Commissioners and residents against annexation marked the official conclusion of remonstration Thursday evening at the Monroe County Courthouse.
Some residents say they already have the signatures needed to void annexation. But will remonstration hold up if the city ends up challenging recent waiver legislation in court?
A court decision four years ago seemed to pave the way for the city's annexation attempt. But since then, one of former Mayor John Hamilton’s major initiatives has hit roadblock after roadblock.
A representative for County Residents Against Annexation says it plans to appeal if a judge overseeing the annexation case over areas 1A and 1B does not rule in its favor.
Judge Nathan Nikirk dismissed Tuesday a motion by the City of Bloomington to remove the group from the case because some members are not in areas affected by annexation.
City officials want to remove County Residents Against Annexation, Inc. as a party in the case against annexation of Areas 1A and 1B on Bloomington’s southwest side.
City attorneys argue the law violates sections of the US and Indiana constitutions, both of which prevent the state from impairing existing contracts, such as a remonstrance waiver.
County Residents Against Annexation is responding to Bloomington’s request to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of a 2019 law that ended up voiding some of the city’s annexation attempt.
County Residents Against Annexation say remonstrators should have more time to file petitions to stop annexation in Areas 1A and 1B due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita and members of his legal team are now representing the State of Indiana in Bloomington’s annexation attempt lawsuit.
Annexation reform will have to wait another year as Indiana legislators grapple on how cities can stretch their boundaries without losing public support.
It looks like the city and county will have different sets of Bloomington annexation remonstrance numbers after official results are announced in the next couple of weeks.
After years of talks, delays, meetings, hearings, and debate – Bloomington city council was set to take on annexation one more time. They’ll just have to do it in two nights.
Monroe Co. is one of only three in the state's yellow COVID metric, annexation is scheduled for a vote tonight, and the mayor disagrees with FOP city salary ranking.
Bloomington’s annexation proposal now moves to proceedings next week as city council decides whether to accept, limit, or revoke any of the eight areas under consideration.
Council members say the city would struggle to extend its sewer system to the Edgewood Hills neighborhood. Additionally, it’s only road access is Lori Lane off S.R. 46.
Hamilton says he doesn't believe the U.S. Census numbers are accurate, more restrictions could come if COVID numbers continue to rise, and the city could take Gov. Holcomb to court over the 2019 annexation waiver legislation.
The Monroe Fire Protection District could lose more than $501,000 in funding by year two of annexation, when the tax shift would have the biggest impact.
The Bloomington City Council annexation public hearing was supposed to be in-person and online, but upon arrival at city hall, flyers read that due to concern of COVID-19, city council will recess and reconvene an hour later on Zoom only.
The city has hired 65 officers since Hamilton took office in 2016, but 67 have resigned, and the department is budgeted to have 100 officers, but is staffed at 92.
Twenty percent of positive COVID cases are the delta variant, a 900 bedroom apartment complex is approved at the former K-mark location, why Kirkwood floods, and will the city be able to maintain a proper police force staff after annexation.
The Dec. 15 opinion from Justice Christopher Goff also stated that the city was within its right to bring declaratory action against Gov. Eric Holcomb in retaliation.