Y: Hey Don, can I borrow a buck for the vending machine?
D: Sure. Watcha gonna get?
Y: I dunno. Maybe a Charleston Chew... woah, is that your wallet?
D: Yep. Let's see, I'm pretty sure I have a dollar bill here somewhere...
Y: It's, uh, pretty stuffed. What have you got in there?
D: Just the regular stuff. Driver's license. Credit card. Bank card. Video rental card. Another credit card. Some phone numbers, receipts, a movie ticket stub for...Rocky? Wow, that was along time ago. Let's see, what else...?
Y: Hold on. Do you ever throw anything away?
D: Of course I do, Yael. But I like to hold onto stuff, too. I mean, you never know when you'll need--
Y: A movie ticket from 1977?
D: Ok, I get the point. Maybe my wallet is a little stuffed.
Y: More than a little, I'd say. And for your own health you should really slim it down.
D: Why?
Y: Well, you keep your wallet in your back pocket, right?
D: Yeah.
Y: So when you sit down, the wallet presses on the piriformis muscle, which puts pressure on the sciatic nerve that runs down your leg.
D: So what you're saying is that sitting on my gigantic wallet can give me sciatica.
Y: Right. Over time, sitting on anything, whether it's a wallet on something else, can irritate your sciatic nerve, which causes severe pain in your lower back and legs.
D: All right, so I'll clean out my wallet. And here's a dollar.