Noon Edition airs on Fridays at noon on WFIU.
On Wednesday, the U.S. surpassed its previous single-day record for new COVID-19 infections by nearly 4,000.
Last week, Monroe County reported 12 new cases, its highest, single-day number since the pandemic started. The previous record of 11 was set in April.
The county health department is investigating the increase.
Any Hoosier can get tested now for COVID-19 at an OptumServe site and the state health department is displaying numbers of COVID-19 cases by zip code.
Locally, IU, city, and county leaders have collaborated to respond to COVID-19 and prevent its spread.
IU will start its fall semester in August with a mix of in-person and online instruction. Rigorous health guidelines have been issued for students, faculty, and staff.
Still, city leaders have expressed concern that it will be challenging to get students to follow the same rules once they are off campus. IU students make up about half of Bloomington's total population.
This week's Noon Edition will focus on the local response and plans to prevent spread of COVID-19.
You can follow us on Twitter @NoonEdition or join us on the air by calling in at 812-855-0811 or toll-free at 1-877-285-9348. You can also send us questions for the show at news@indianapublicmedia.org.
Note-This week of our guests and hosts will participate remotely to avoid risk of spreading infection. Because of this we will not be able to take callers live on-air.
Kirk White, assistant vice president for strategic partnerships at Indiana University
Penny Caudill, Monroe County Health Department administrator
Jaques Bell, OptumServe Site administrator in Bloomington
Shandy Dearth, director of undergraduate epidemiology education at the Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health at IUPUI