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Noon Edition

Gardening season is approaching


(WFIU File Photo)

Noon Edition airs on Fridays at noon on WFIU.

Spring is right around the corner and Indiana gardeners are getting ready. Despite usually harsh winters and humid summers, Hoosiers all over the state dedicate lots of time and resources to make their gardens last all year long.  

According to Anthony’s Lawn Care and Landscaping, the best plants for Hoosiers to grow include the redbud, the tulip poplar, the sweetbay magnolia, the flowering dogwood, and the crab apple tree. These plants’ durability and beauty make great options for Bloomington gardeners. 

READ MORE: Spring is here and so is gardening season 

The City of Bloomington also offers a Community Gardening Program, open to gardeners of all skill levels. Through the program, the city provides the tools, resources, and staff for gardeners who register for their own plot. Registration for new gardeners begins March 4.   

This Friday on Noon Edition, we will talk with experts about the best ways to start and manage your garden all season long.   

You can follow us on X — formerly known as Twitter — at @WFIUWTIUNews or join us on the air by calling 812-855-0811 or toll-free at 1-877-285-9348. You can also send questions for the show to  


Edward Oehlman - Purdue Extension Monroe County - Extension Educator for Agriculture and Natural Resources and Advisor of the Monroe County Master Gardeners Association

Dorothy Cole-Kiser – Certified Master Gardener with the Monroe County Master Gardeners Association


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