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Con-ventional Wisdom at PopCon Indy 2019

July 1, 2019

It’s easy to get overwhelmed at your first convention. Long lines, scores of people, getting turned around in the expo hall and the feeling of, “when can I sit down, my feet hurt so badly, why did I forget to bring better shoes, I can’t tell if the pain will go away or if this is just how it is now,” can all get to be a bit much.

But what happens behind the scenes in the year-long leadup to an event with dozens of celebrities, over a hundred vendors and roughly 30,000 Hoosiers?

That’s what we’re going to find out on this episode of [Indi]android, where we’re paying a visit to PopCon Indy, one of Indiana’s biggest pop culture conventions.

We’ll talk to PopCon Indy Co-Founder Carl Doninger, meet some cosplayers and find out what Overwatch’s Symmetra (Anjali Bhimani) does when she’s not hiding turrets everywhere.