It’s easy to get overwhelmed at your first convention. Long lines, scores of people, getting turned around in the expo hall and the feeling of, “when can I sit down, my feet hurt so badly, why did I forget to bring better shoes, I can’t tell if the pain will go away or if this is just how it is now,” can all get to be a bit much.
But what happens behind the scenes in the year-long leadup to an event with dozens of celebrities, over a hundred vendors and roughly 30,000 Hoosiers?
That’s what we’re going to find out on this episode of [Indi]android, where we’re paying a visit to PopCon Indy, one of Indiana’s biggest pop culture conventions.
We’ll talk to PopCon Indy Co-Founder Carl Doninger, meet some cosplayers and find out what Overwatch’s Symmetra (Anjali Bhimani) does when she’s not hiding turrets everywhere.