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Vita's White Garden

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Vita Sackville West's white garden at Sissinghurst in England is world famous. Here is her own description of the plants in it:

"It is divided into square beds by paths edged with lavender and box. There is an under planting of various artemisias including the old aromatic southernwood. Dozens of white lilies grown from seed come up through it. There are white delphiniums of the pacific strain; white foxgloves in a shady place on the north side of a wall; the foam of baby's breath; the white shrubby Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora'; white tree peonies; white campanulas and the white form of the Chinese balloon flower. There is a group of the giant Arabian thistle, pure silver, eight feet high. The grey willow leaved Pyrus salicifolia shelters the grey leaden statue of a vestal virgin. Down the central path goes an avenue of white climbing roses, straggling up old almond trees. Later on, there will be white Japanese anemones and some white dahlias; but I do not like to think of later on. It is bad enough to have turned over into July, with the freshness of another May and June gone forever."
If you have not visited Sissinghurst, which is a day trip from London, try to do so as it should be seen by every serious flower gardener.

This is Moya Andrews, and today we focused on Vita’s White Garden.

The White Garden at Sissinghurst Castle

(tomline43, flickr)

Vita Sackville West's white garden at Sissinghurst in England is world famous. Here is her own description of the plants in it:

"It is divided into square beds by paths edged with lavender and box. There is an under planting of various artemisias including the old aromatic southernwood. Dozens of white lilies grown from seed come up through it. There are white delphiniums of the pacific strain; white foxgloves in a shady place on the north side of a wall; the foam of baby's breath; the white shrubby Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora'; white tree peonies; white campanulas and the white form of the Chinese balloon flower. There is a group of the giant Arabian thistle, pure silver, eight feet high. The grey willow leaved Pyrus salicifolia shelters the grey leaden statue of a vestal virgin. Down the central path goes an avenue of white climbing roses, straggling up old almond trees. Later on, there will be white Japanese anemones and some white dahlias; but I do not like to think of later on. It is bad enough to have turned over into July, with the freshness of another May and June gone forever."

If you have not visited Sissinghurst, which is a day trip from London, try to do so as it should be seen by every serious flower gardener.

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