You may like to try drying your end of summer flowers in your microwave.
Use some desiccant such as silica gel, available at craft stores. Put half an inch in a microwave-safe container and lie the flowers with the stems attached on top of the gel in the container. Then cover the stemmed flowers with more gel and place in the oven with a cup of water next to it. The water will protect the microwave from damage. Heat on high for two minutes and then check the flowers.
If they are not dry and somewhat crisp, heat for one minute more. Keep a written record of how long it takes the flowers to dry completely in your microwave for future reference.
If there are leaves on some of your flower stems, fold each stem with leaves individually with a paper towel, and place a plate on top so that the leaves are prevented from curling as they dry. Place the cup of water beside them to protect your oven and heat on high for 2 minutes on high. Adjust for longer drying time as needed but keep a close watch, checking the leaves frequently, because foliage burns easily, and ovens vary.
This is Moya Andrews and today we focused on microwave drying.