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Looking Ahead

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Spring is a wonderful season for gardeners. The weather is pleasant outdoors and visiting nurseries is such fun, but as well as popping into the ground plants that will give immediate gratification, also try to plant some fall bloomers.

A good shrub for fall bloom is Vitex agnus-castus with the common name chaste bush. Deer leave it alone, and it has pretty blue-purple flowers.

Perennials for fall bloom include Physostegia, commonly known as obedient plant. It grows in sun or light shade, is two-feet high, and has both pink or white blooms. Hardy Begonia with pink flowers is also a late perennial bloomer, and the Rose mallow hibiscus, which is a three-foot perennial plant with large red, white, or pink flowers, also blooms late, as do the Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’ flowers, commonly called PG hydrangeas.

Boltonia is a hardy perennial with small white aster-type flowers on four-foot stems, and it pairs well with other types of asters in the fall garden.

Caryopteris is a late-blooming shrub with powder blue flowers that does not take up much room, as it only grows two feet high.

And, hopefully, your annuals such as sage and Angelonia will also keep on blooming right until the first frost.

This is Moya Andrews and today we focused on looking ahead.

Diorama of a calender book with flower growing out of it.


Spring is a wonderful season for gardeners. The weather is pleasant outdoors and visiting nurseries is such fun, but as well as popping into the ground plants that will give immediate gratification, also try to plant some fall bloomers.

A good shrub for fall bloom is Vitex agnus-castus with the common name chaste bush. Deer leave it alone, and it has pretty blue-purple flowers.

Perennials for fall bloom include Physostegia, commonly known as obedient plant. It grows in sun or light shade, is two-feet high, and has both pink or white blooms. Hardy begonia with pink flowers is also a late perennial bloomer, and the rose mallow hibiscus, which is a three-foot perennial plant with large red, white, or pink flowers, also blooms late, as do the Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’ flowers, commonly called PG hydrangeas.

Boltonia is a hardy perennial with small white aster-type flowers on four-foot stems, and it pairs well with other types of asters in the fall garden.

Caryopteris is a late-blooming shrub with powder blue flowers that does not take up much room, as it only grows two feet high.

And, hopefully, your annuals such as sage and angelonia will also keep on blooming right until the first frost.

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