This week on Artworks, a band of guerilla knitters in has solved the age-old problem of what to do with that bike that gets left out to rust. Yarnstorming comes to Terre Haute.
Also on the program, one hundred and eighty-six movies in two hours seems like a feat, but not for the cast of “Completely Hollywood (Abridged)” at the Crossroads Repertory Theatre.
What does a brewery do with their old spent barley? Why, give it away to make paper, of course!
And a local game design team tries to put the “fun” back in online fundraising.
Stories On This Episode
From Eyesore to Eye-Candy: Yarnstorming On ISU Campus
By Yaël Ksander - Jun 17, 2012

The new wave of unsanctioned public art-making has landed in Terre Haute. Unlike graffiti, this subversive art form is warm, fuzzy, and cute.
‘Like’ It If You Like It: Studio Cypher’s Share-Worthy Games
By Mia Partlow - Jan 25, 2012

The game designers at the Bloomington, Indiana tech company Studio Cypher are working to make fundraising online a bit more interactive.
The Movies Meet The (Abridged) Series
By George Walker - Jun 19, 2012

The team that brought us all in forty-two Shakespeare plays in two hours tries to do the same for one-hundred and eighty-six films.
Twisted Limb Paperworks, Upland Join Forces – Cheers To That
By Annie Corrigan - Feb 20, 2012

Sheryl Woodhouse-Keese makes paper from Upland Brewing Company's spent grain, but don't ask her to tell you how she does it. This is a secret worth keeping.