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Heather Corbally Bryant reads “Listening to Seamus Heaney.”
Allie Rigby reads "Poem as Ghost Ally," "For the Hole in Fonda," "Late March," and "Orange Peel."
Joseph Kerschbaum reads "Years to Burn," "Weed Garden," "Detasseling," and "Now that we have nowhere to hide."
Rosemarie Wurth-Grice reads "On Returning Home," "Seasons Mean Nothing," and "An October Pantoum of Sorts."
Joe Di Prisco reads "The Cancellation of Spring" and "I Was Just Leaving."
Gili Haimovich reads "Wrinkled Page," "My Second Skin," "Late Harvest," "Hum," "Birdwatching," and "Being One With."
Gabrielle Myers reads "Bounty Set to Burst Forth," "Symbol Shake," "Never Rest in Dormancy Beyond the Proper Time," and "The First Fire of Fire Season."
Kim Dower reads "She’ll do anything for food," "Unruly Aura," "What She Wants," "Kisses with Dreams in Them," and "Obsession."
Paul Stroble reads "County Seat," "Stereoscope," "Transistor Radio," and "Psalm in Snow."
Danika Stegeman reads "Heart Rate Cento," as well as an excerpt from her second book Ablation.
Zilia Balkansky-Sellés reads "Helen—After Troy, "The Grasshopper’s Curse," and "The Graiae."
Colleen Wells reads "Seedlings," "Second-hand Smoke," "The Hawk," "Roadkill," and "Angel Bee Funeral.”
Doris Lynch reads "Bird Languages," "First Snow After Your Death," "Sound Patina," "Sangre de Cristo Mountains," and "Lake Griffy Woods."
Heather Corbally Bryant reads “Crevices,” “Lady Slippers on Pinnacle Road,” “Gibbous Moon,” “Winter Berries,” and “Red Dragonfly.”
As a tribute to Jenny Kander, we're reaching back to 2009 for an episode of Jenny reading her own work. She read poems from her "Ditzy Dee" series: "Life Happens," "Careering Through a Blaze of Words Ditzy Dee Plans to Write Copy for a Food Magazine," and "Jelly Donuts."
Barb Schwegman reads "Two White Girls Go to Market," "Leaving El Salvador," and "For Walter and Scott."
Karen Rigby reads "Song for the Onion," "To the Huy Fong Foods Company," and "Plums."
Dory Lynch reads "First Call, Cody - Kivalina, Alaska," "Ice Fishing on Thanksgiving Eve," and "Conjuring Borealis."
Barb Schwegman reads "Aunt Mary Rupe," "My Grandmother's Hands," "Meeting in the Garden," and "Night Walking."
Joe Di Prisco reads "The Satrap Will See You Now," "Being at Home in You," "Poem in which no one appears to show up for his party," and "Poem in which he shares what he learned today at the spa."
Colleen Wells reads "Reframing," "Group," "Out of Chaos Comes Art," "A Dose of Today," and "Borderline Personality Disorder.”
Joseph Kerschbaum reads "Distance From Here," "Into the Darkness," "Ghost in the Graveyard," and "Afterlife."
Daniel Lassell reads "An Account of a Llama’s Death," "Taking Care," "Clay," "Applause," and "Owlet."
Joseph Kerschbaum reads "Under the Surface," "Augury," "Invasive Species," and "Snapshot."
Karen Rigby reads "On Marion Cotillard’s 2008 Oscar Dress," "Derby Hats," and "Norma Desmond Descending the Staircase as Salome, Sunset Boulevard, 1950."