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Noon Edition

Notre Dame Law Professor Nominated To Supreme Court, Indiana Moves To Final Stage Of Reopening

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Noon Edition will focus on two topics this week: the latest Supreme Court nomination and Indiana’s move to reopen business. 

President Donald Trump announced last week his nomination of federal appeals court judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Barrett graduated from the University of Notre Dame Law School in 1997.

She has been a member of the Notre Dame law faculty since 2002, teaching and researching in areas of federal courts, constitutional law, and statutory interpretation.

She lives in South Bend.

Barrett clerked for Judge Laurence H. Silberman of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit and for Associate Justice Antonin Scalia of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Barrett’s confirmation would solidify a conservative majority in the Supreme Court. Democrats have criticized President Trump for nominating a new justice so close to November elections.

In 2016, the senate refused to hold hearings for President Obama’s nominee nearly eight months before the election.

This week, for the first part of the program, we’ll talk about Barrett’s Indiana ties and background. We’ll also touch on the decision to move forward with her nomination.

Guests Opening Program

Beth Cate, O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs clinical associate professor

Alan Achkar, South Bend Tribune executive editor


Second Segment-


Last week, Gov. Eric Holcomb announced Indiana would move to its fifth and final reopening stage.

Under stage 5, restaurants and bars can open at full capacity, though customers must remain seated and social distancing is required as a seating consideration.

Indoor and outdoor venues of all types are permitted to reopen; six feet of social distance is required between non-household members. 

The state’s mask mandate remains in place.

For the final part of the show, we’ll talk with IU Health Bloomington’s Dr. Dan Handel about how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as the state reopens at full capacity.

Guests Closing Program

Dr. Dan Handel, Chief Medical Officer, IU Health South Central Region

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Note-This week of our guests and hosts will participate remotely to avoid risk of spreading infection. Because of this we will not be able to take callers live on-air.

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