A new Indiana state law, known as the Lifeline Law, will soon provide legal immunity to intoxicated minors who help their friends get medical attention. Student leaders from Indiana colleges lobbied for the law, saying the policy could prevent student deaths. The parents of missing student Lauren Spierer have also expressed their support for the policy.
The Lifeline Law will take effect July 1, and this week on Noon Edition, we'll speak with our panelists about how the law could change the prosecution of underage drinking.
Join us Friday at 12 p.m. You can visit this site to be part of our live chat, follow us on Twitter @NoonEdition, or join us on the air by calling in at 812-855-0811 or 1-877-285-WFIU.
Justin Kingsolver - Outgoing student body president at IU-Bloomington
Joe Qualters - Captain of Bloomington Police Department Detective Division
R.J. Woodring - Assistant Director for Leadership in IU's Student Life and Learning Division