(Ben Thorp / WBAA)
Noon Edition airs on Fridays at noon on WFIU.
Officials at IU and Purdue made the split of IUPUI official last week when they signed an agreement to create Purdue University in Indianapolis and Indiana University Indianapolis.
In this agreement, most of the schools and programs from IUPUI will be a part of IU Indianapolis. The engineering and computer science schools will be under the control of Purdue University in Indianapolis.
Both schools plan to expand their programs for the 2024 year. Purdue plans to add programs focused in science, health and human sciences, pharmacy, and agriculture. It will also expand with a 28-acre addition and add the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business to its campus.
IU will be adding and renovating its STEM research and laboratory facilities as well as bringing the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering to the IU Indianapolis campus.
This Friday on Noon Edition, we will talk with guests about the split of the 53-year-old campus and what to expect in the upcoming years.
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Michael Huber – Vice President for University Relations for IU
Julie Magid – Vice Dean of the Kelley School of Business, Indianapolis
Julie Payne-Kirchmeier – Vice President for Student Success at IU