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Ask The Mayor: Bloomington's Hamilton On Helicopter Military Training, Annexation

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'Ask The Mayor' On Facebook LIVE With Bloomington's John Hamilton

Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton during Tuesday's Zoom call. (Zoom)

Hamilton apologizes for lack of notice of last week's military helicopter overnight training, residents can contact the city one on one rather than in public forums over annexation issues, and 7th street closure is just the beginning of the 7 Line project.

On this week’s installment of Ask The Mayor, Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton addresses these issues and more during a Facebook Live Zoom event Tuesday. Listen to the full conversation with Indiana Newsdesk anchor Joe Hren by clicking on the play button above, or read some of the questions and answers below. A portion of this segment airs 6:45 and 8:45 a.m. Wednesday on WFIU. Here are some highlights.

This conversation has been edited for clarity and conciseness.

Hren: Vaccination rates are about 53% in Monroe County for those 12 and older. County officials said in that press conference you had on Friday they really want to reach 70 to 75% this summer. Mayors Bennett in Terre Haute and Lienhoop in Columbus are not sure they're going to reach that herd immunity. What's the plan to get to that benchmark?

Hamilton: Well, first, Joe, it's worth noting and I want to personally and on behalf of our community thank Indiana University and IU Health, two of our largest employers and institutions who have both taken the step to require vaccinations - particularly IU, of course all the students, all the faculty, all the staff. That is a huge benefit to our community to to be assured that the vast majority of those folks will be vaccinated by the fall similarly with IU Health and major local employers.

As a city, we are not allowed to do that under the new state law. That's unfortunate. I'm not sure we would have, they're are pluses and minuses but we are not allowed to. But we continue to provide our our $100 incentive to every employee who shows their vaccination card, we've gotten about 500 of them well over 50%, which we're very pleased with.

I hope everybody will just remember, this is how you keep yourself safe, your family safe, your friends and your community safe is by getting vaccine.

READ MORE: Indiana Reports 240 COVID-19 Cases, 7 Deaths Tuesday

Hren: Last week, military helicopters performed some training exercises in Bloomington and Ellettsville creating some concerns and upsetting residents. First, why Monroe County? And what was that process that allowed that to happen?

Hamilton: Sure. And look, I apologize if anybody was upset or alarmed or disturbed and I'm sorry about any anxiety about that. The quick answer, this was the US Army Special Forces out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina doing urban training and flight formation and close order work. I was communicated as the Office of the Mayor several months ago about doing exercises in Bloomington. And I will say these these men and women of the military helped keep us safe. We believe deeply in training, we know how important that is for our law enforcement officers and for our for our military as well.

They identified that this was a good place to do a particular kind of training. And I essentially said fine, work it out with our police department and coordinate with them. And they did so. I actually didn't know the exact night it was going to happen. I'll tell you that. There was notification made by the army for people in the area. Off duty police officers were used to keep the area safe and clear so that the army could do its exercises, but I think we should have done an earlier social media notification at least when it was going on so people could have found out what was happening and not have to wait till the morning so I'm sorry about that. And we'll we'll do better if this were to happen again.

Hren: Was there any money or funds exchanged during the asking or the allowing of this?

Hamilton: No, there was not. Now I don't know. Frankly, Joe, whether there was any off duty, security, exchange of resources? I don't think so. But I'm not sure. But it was basically the military, notifying us, hey, we're interested in doing these exercises in your community. And I refer them to our law enforcement to coordinate the particular events of that evening.

Hren: The annexation process continues. You presented the fiscal report to city council since the last time we talked. I did talk to some county officials in a recent report I did, and I know there's still some unclear data on the financial impact, especially to county services. What means is the city now helping identify these losses for some of the taxing units?

Hamilton: Sure. Well, let's just take a step back. I mean, annexation is a very organic and natural process very much legally defined but something the city of Bloomington has done hundreds of times in our history. The tricky part is we haven't annexed anything for 17 years. So there's been a build up of developed areas that typically in our history would have been gradually incorporated into the city, with little impact.

Some county services remain. For example, the county provides all the criminal justice services for all 150,000 of us in the county. However, the county does not provide road services to the parts of the city. They don't provide law enforcement services, either the sheriff or the police department does. The county doesn't provide parks system for inside the city. So while the county does see some reductions in revenue, modest reductions, they also have reductions in services.

I've been meeting regularly with officials from the county. I've been offering and have started meetings with the library and the township trustees and the school corporation and also we have several years to plan this, the effective date is not till 2024. But we know how to do this. And we'll work very closely with our partners to make sure it goes smoothly.

READ MORE: Bloomington's Annexation Proposal A Hard Sell For Some Non-City Residents

Hren: Residents have August 4, I believe that's the public hearing. So why one and not multiple hearings or forums?

Hamilton: Well, just to remind people, we're actually picking up the annexation where we left off four years ago, we started this in 2017. And I'll just note, we would be done by now if the legislature had not illegally taken action in the dark of night in the last day of a state legislative session to single out Bloomington and say you have to stop your annexation. Ultimately, the Supreme Court of Indiana said that was unconstitutional.

We've had a lot of public hearings. But we'll have one more formal public hearing on August 4, as this is all very specifically required by state law, a lot more than we're required to do by state law. We also have a very robust website, and I would encourage anybody who's interested or concerned has questions, feedback, go to the website, you can give feedback there, you can call us or email us or through the website, put questions to us get them answered, give comments about it.

City Council will need to take action on each of the eight different annexation ordinances in 30 days to 60 days after that hearing. So basically, in September, there will also be public votes by the City Council on what they want to do going forward.

Hren: When you mention picking up where we left off, that was back in 2017. People have moved and that was awhile ago.

Hamilton: We've also redone the full mailing of a significant packet to thousands. All the property owners in the proposed annexation area got a mailing in June with a lot of material in it. Again, every day and 24-seven, there's public interaction available to anybody who's interested in talking about it. We found, actually, Joe, that kind of one on one discussion seems to be more helpful to people, if they have a particular question they want to ask, they can do so.

The hearing itself on August 4 will be a combination in person and virtual meeting. So you can either show up at City Hall in person, or you can attend virtually and either way, make comments, follow the dialog. And then again, there's another 30 days where you can give input and reactions and suggestions until the city council will begin voting in a 30 day window 30 days after that hearing.

Hren: Annexations would take effect January 1, 2024, right after the 2023 municipal elections, so why not move the process up before election to give those new residents their new benefit - voting?

Hamilton: If we'd not been interrupted by the state legislature, this would all be done by now. And the folks would be able to vote and be able to weigh in, but because we got delayed, and because the Supreme Court didn't get an action till almost four years later, we really didn't have a choice.

Joe, if we tried to make this effective before the election in 2023, it would really have to be effective December of 2022, which would mean really only 13 or 14 months after they were adopted. And I promise you if we did that, we would hear a lot of people saying that's way too fast, to try to manage all of these transitions of services and streets and law enforcement and all those other things which do take time to plan. So there's no perfect time. State law does not let us go longer than three years. So this really lets us redistrict and people will be assigned to a city council member on the effective date and we'll be able to have their voice heard from the beginning and then the elections in due time.

Hren: Here's an email from Wendy, "We active ,devoted citizens of Bloomington would like more respect. One step to increase this would include allowing our video facial presence during our individual public comment time on zoom meetings."

Hamilton: Well, most of that is driven by the City Council rules. We've had some issues with Zoom bombing and various things. I don't know all the intricacies of that. But I certainly appreciate it. In the next few weeks, probably in July and August, you'll start to see hybrid meetings, which will allow both in person and on screen Zoom meetings. And I hope that it'll be more more accessible. Everybody had to kind of figure out how to make all this happen over the last year and a half in the pandemic. And we've learned some new things. And there were some things that were less than perfect, but I hope we found a lot of public input. People found it easier to attend public meetings from their home, rather than having to spend many hours at city hall sitting in the audience.

Waldron Arts Center announcement
Waldron Arts Center announcement (Joe Hren, WFIU/WTIU News)

Hren: I need to preface this question from Steve so we know what we're talking about here. The Waldron Art Center big announcement a couple weeks ago revealed the city will renovate the center and open January 4, and then look into building perhaps a performing arts center. So Steve wants to know has there been or will be an RFP for the feasibility study?

Hamilton: We were very excited. We had a community group led task force of about two dozen people who recommended what to do with the Waldron in the Old City Hall, the arts building that's been returned to city ownership. They recommended and I followed a number of steps. As you mentioned, we're going to put about a half a million into upgrading the Waldron so that it can open early January 2022 and be ready to serve for five years.

We're going to be looking through a process for an RFP to find somebody to manage that building. We've got some interest already. And then we are also as you indicated, the task force recommended and I agreed to identify a look at the potential for a purpose built performing arts venue for the city, we haven't really had such a thing. Both the Waldron and the Buskirk, and most other places have been kind of jury rigged or transformed into performance space that we have used and have had fantastic use. But we do want to explore what it would mean for the community and our amazing arts, colleagues, and friends to have a purpose built space. So we'll look at that and identify partners, and we really don't have the process picked out yet for that.

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