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Moment of Indiana History

Archive for August 2009

August 3, 2009


Astronauts’ Cradle

Neil Armstrong’s history-making voyage 250,000 miles from home began two decades earlier with the 220-mile trip from Wapakoneta, Ohio to West Lafayette.

August 10, 2009


Goin’ Back to Indiana

“Goin’ Back to Indiana” was a multi-media phenomenon capitalizing on the legend of the Jacksons’ small-town Hoosier identity.

August 17, 2009


Beyond Steel, in the Magic City

As the Jacksons’ musical star rose in the late 1960s, their hardscrabble hometown was in decline.

August 24, 2009


National Black Political Convention

In 1972, thousands of members of the African-American community were “Goin’ Back to Indiana” for a groundbreaking political event.

August 31, 2009


From Peace to Rage

In the fall of 1969, the leader of the Weather Underground came through Bloomington to recruit students for a street protest in Chicago--and failed to do so.

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