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Moment of Indiana History

Archive for January 2009

January 6, 2009


Revolutionary Financier: Francis Vigo

A statue on Vincennes’ Wabash River front provides a clue about the source of a prominent place name in western Indiana. The figure represented, however, emerges riddled with contradictions.

January 13, 2009


The Crazy Old Man of the Sand Dunes: Octave Chanute

Black and white photos of nattily dressed men and improbable-looking flying machines against a background of sand dunes instantly evoke the Wright Brothers’ pioneering flights at Kitty Hawk.

January 20, 2009


A Link in the Chain of Aeronautical History

Indiana’s place in the history of flight is well secured by the role played by French-born civil engineer Octave Chanute, whose experiments with non-motorized aircraft in Indiana’s dunes in the 1890s directly inspired the aeronautical innovators who followed.

January 27, 2009


A treasure trove of Lincolniana

On the eve of the 16th President's bicentennial, it was determined that the world's largest private collection of Lincoln memorabilia would remain in Indiana.

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