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The Art of Intabulation, Part 2

"Domestic Music Scene" by Johannes Voorhout, 1674.

"Domestic Music Scene" by Johannes Voorhout, 1674. (The man at the harpsichord is thought to be Johann Adam Reincken, on his left probably Dieterich Buxtehude playing the viola da gamba, and on his right, below the harpsichord, possibly Johann Theile.) (Alexander M. Winkler, Wikimedia, Museum for Hamburg History)

Music for this episode will be available on Monday, July 29.

This hour, we’ll continue to explore the art of intabulation. Intabulation was the process of creating instrumental music from existing pieces, such as adapting a vocal motet for the organ or arranging chamber music for a solo keyboard player. Generations of musicians from the Middle Ages to the classical period made music for their instruments this way, embellishing the source material to create something completely new.

Later in the hour, our featured recording is by the ensemble Music Ficta, with music from the early Reformation period in Denmark.


Frescobaldi: Keyboard Music from Manuscript Sources
Martha Folts
Naxos | 8.570717 (2008)
Girolamo Frescobaldi
Tr. 13 Partite sopra un aria Romana detta la Manista (Berlin Staatbibliotek manuscript) (4:45)

Segment A:

Haec Dies: Music for Easter
Clare College Choir
Harmonia Mundi | HMU907655DI (2016)
Orlando Lassus
Tr. 13 Surrexit pastor bonis (2:23)

Scheidemann Works for Organ, Vol. 1
Pieter van Dijk
Naxos | 8.554202 (1998)
Heinrich Scheidemann
Tr. 8 Surrexit pastor bonis (5:29)

Sacred Treasures of Venice
London Oratory School Schola
Hyperion | 00028948750221 (2024)
Giovanni Bassano
Tr. 5 Dic Nobis Maria (3:54)

Scheidemann Works for Organ, Vol. 1
Pieter van Dijk
Naxos | 8.554202 (1998)
Heinrich Scheidemann
Tr. 2 Dic Nobis Maria (7:09)

:59 Midpoint Break Music Bed:

Keyboard Sonatas, BWV 963 – 968
Ramin Bahrami
Decca | 00028947633570 (2009)
Tr. 19 Sarabande (excerpt of 1:12)

Segment B:

Hortus Musicus
Accent | ACC24217 (2010)
Johann Adam Reincken
Tr. 16 Sonata (5:23)

Keyboard Sonatas, BWV 963 – 968
Ramin Bahrami
Decca | 00028947633570 (2009)
J. S. Bach
Trs. 13-15 Keyboard Sonata in A Minor, BWV 965: Adagio, Fuga, Adagio (6:55)
Tr. 16 Keyboard Sonata in A Minor, BWV 965: Presto (:35)

Featured Release:

Reforming Hymns
Musica Ficta
Dacapo | 8.226142 (2023)
Tr. 20 “Vater under in Himmelreich” (EXCERPT)
Arnolt Schlick
Tr. 10 Maria zart (2:12)
Tr. 13 Maria zart (2:36)
Mogens Pedersøn
Tr. 19 Fader vor vdi Himmerig (1:44)
Tr. 24 Nu bede vi den Heiligaand (3:45)


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