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Different Ways to Think About Early Music

BLEMF 2023 logo

On Sunday, May 21, the Bloomington Early Music Festival kicks off a whole week of concerts and activities under the theme "Arabia, Iberia, and Latin America," expanding the focus of early music beyond Europe.

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Harmonia Uncut: Curious and Decadent

Francois Devienne

We'll hear music of Francois Devienne, CPE Bach, and Frédéric Duvernoy performed in 1988 by Colin St. Martin and Richard Seraphinoff, who were students at the IU Early Music Institute at that time.

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Harmonia Uncut: Phantasm's Flights of Fantasy and Fugue

Phantasm Flights of Fantasy and Fugue

We'll hear music from the viol consort Phantasm during their 1999 U.S. tour.

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A Musical House Party

Portrait of the Duarte Family by Gonzales Coques, c. 1653.

This hour, music associated with the Duarte family, patrons of music and the arts through several generations from the 13th through the 17th centuries in Portugal, the Netherlands, Italy, and England, including seventeenth-century musician and composer Leonora Duarte.

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The Viceroyalty of Peru

Sucre Cathedral, Bolivia

The construction of La Plata Cathedral, now known as the Metropolitan Cathedral of Sucre in Bolivia, began in 1559. This week on Harmonia, we’ll hear music written for this sparkling venue, with its white marble lit up by the stained glass windows. Plus, our featured release is Tommaso Giordani: Six Duos for Two Cellos.

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Monteverdi: 40 Years of Madrigals

Pompeian wall painting, (45-79 AD). Ariadne sleeping on the coast of Naxos as Theseus boards his ship.

This hour on Harmonia, we explore the madrigals of Monteverdi from his earliest collections in the 1590s to his innovative “Madrigals of War and Love” – over 40 years of madrigals! Along the way we will experience the extremes of human emotions, from the heights of joy to the depths of despair.

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