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This hour on Harmonia, we’ll dig into the music collection of “Dr. Rainbeau,” an early music lover in the nineteenth century who collected manuscripts and books of old music. Tune in to learn the true identity and the unusual musical tastes of this quirky antiquarian! Read More »
On Sunday, May 21, the Bloomington Early Music Festival kicks off a whole week of concerts and activities under the theme "Arabia, Iberia, and Latin America," expanding the focus of early music beyond Europe.
We'll hear music of Francois Devienne, CPE Bach, and Frédéric Duvernoy performed in 1988 by Colin St. Martin and Richard Seraphinoff, who were students at the IU Early Music Institute at that time.
We'll hear music from the viol consort Phantasm during their 1999 U.S. tour.
This hour, we continue our look at the French family of music publishers who were named printers to the king…over a span of 200 years! We’ll hear music published by later generations of the Ballard printing empire around the time of Louis XIV.
This hour, we’ll hear music from 16th century France published by cousins who were the first music printers to receive a royal privilege. Plus, on our featured recording—lute music performed by Richard Kolb.
This hour, we’ll explore the enduring popularity of Hildegard von Bingen, and a variety of approaches to her music.