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Indiana Public Media broadcasts public service announcements to provide a voice for the non-profit organizations and agencies in our listening area and to enhance public awareness.


INDIANA PUBLIC MEDIA is the integrated public website for WFIU Public Radio and WTIU Public Television content. Indiana Public Media is not responsible for the accuracy of information received from other organizations. We recommend that you call to verify event information when a phone number is provided. Indiana Public Media cannot guarantee that all listings will be broadcast or posted online.


Public Service Announcements are brief messages about events and issues relevant to the communities in Indiana Public Media's broadcast area.

PSAs are broadcast throughout the day, predominantly from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., at unspecified times and with unspecified frequency, when breaks between scheduled programs allow. Due to on-air time limitations, Indiana Public Media cannot guarantee that all approved PSAs will be broadcast.

The PSAs broadcast on WFIU and WTIU are generated from the Indiana Public Media Community Events Calendar at Events may be submitted online by members of the public. All submissions will be reviewed by an editor at Indiana Public Media before appearing on the site. PSAs are broadcast on the air and published online at no cost to the submitter or presenting organization.


Indiana Public Media gives priority to announcements of events, such as performances, lectures, concerts, exhibitions, public meetings, volunteer activities, and educational, recreational, and health-oriented opportunities.

The event must be open to the public, and preferably of broad interest.

Priority is given to events that are free of charge and presented by non-profit 501(c) (3) or 501 (c) (4) organizations.

Indiana Public Media will broadcast announcements about sales events if they are fundraisers for non-profit organizations (such as the Red Cross Book Fair) or showcases of art/craft (such as the Columbus Artfest).

Indiana Public Media will mention public gatherings that offer the opportunity for aesthetic appreciation, communal reflection, or exchange among those of different religious faiths, even if the event is strongly identified with one faith community.

Announcements will be broadcast no earlier than three days prior to a given event, with priority given to events within the next 24 hours. Submissions to Indiana Public Media's online Community Events Calendar may be published further in advance.

Indiana Public Media broadcasts non-event-oriented announcements for the purpose of informing listeners about such community resources as domestic violence shelters, waste disposal services, animal spaying/neutering opportunities, and tax preparation assistance, among others.


Indiana Public Media reserves the right not to broadcast messages in the following categories:

  • Events not open to the public
  • Events or services offered by a for-profit business or clearly meant for the purpose of generating profit for the sponsor or presenter
  • Worship services, religious instruction and faith-based gatherings or fundraisers for particular communities of faith or their associated physical plant. In other words, a sale to benefit a church mission will not be announced but a craft sale not benefiting a church that happens to be held at a church is appropriate.
  • Events that promote or raise funds for a political candidate, or ideology.
  • Messages that appeal to a limited audience&emdash;for example, announcements about specific classes.
  • Indiana Public Media will not air an announcement asking or suggesting that listeners contribute to another organization. However, Indiana Public Media can broadcast an announcement for an event that serves as a fundraiser for a local non-political and non-religious organization.
  • Opportunities offered by commercial ventures (restaurants, shops, etc.) to have a portion of a patron's purchase donated to a non-profit organization will not be announced.
  • Events or services offered by organizations outside of the geographical area of Indiana Public Media's broadcast signal, or of national/global scope (i.e., Save the Manatees)
  • Pre-recorded messages
  • In accordance with FCC regulations, Indiana Public Media does not announce price information, or copy (text) considered promotional in nature. Indiana Public Media reserves the right to apply FCC guidelines to submissions as it sees fit.


Information should be submitted through the Indiana Public Media "Events" page on the Indiana Public website. Materials submitted should contain all necessary information, including date, time, and place, sponsoring organization or agency, and contact person's name and phone number.

When entering events:

  • Make sure you select the proper category for the event.
  • Enter the event at least one week prior to event date.
  • Please limit the length of description in the notes field to three brief sentences.
  • Include your contact information so we can contact you in case there are questions.
  • Fill out all information required as completely as possible. Listings with missing information are less likely to get posted.

Indiana Public Media reserves the right to edit and rephrase information received to fit our broadcast style and time parameters, and not to accept any material it deems inappropriate or not of public interest. All submissions are subject to Indiana Public Media approval.

Organizations and businesses desiring regular, guaranteed mention on the air may purchase underwriting announcements. Please contact our Corporate Development Department by phone at 855-9208 or at our underwriting information page.

Media sponsorships offer additional opportunities for promotion&emdash;more information is available through our Marketing and Promotions Department by phone at 855-1357, or at our media sponsorshop information page.

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