Space in the One World KitchenShare in Bloomington, Indiana has been in such high demand that the company decided to expand it. (That, and as founder and CEO of One World Enterprises Jeff Mease explains, their lease at the old kitchen share location was not renewed.)
On this week's program, we visit the new location and talk to some of the food entrepreneurs who rent space in the there. Steve Schroeder of Zeitgeist Organic Creamery rents a 2,000-square-foot bay in the facility. He has plans to install ice cream production equipment, office space and state-of-the-art freezers:
Starting off, I started out of pocket. I didn't want to have a shovel in my hands and going in with major loans. So being able to rent space here, I got a full commercial kitchen without having to go into debt, without having to take on huge loans.
Listen to Mease explain how he developed the idea for the kitchen share in the first place. He also describes how it helps his bottom line to give a leg-up to small food businesses. "It's a virtuous cycle that gets driven in large part because we're focused locally," he says.
And, Chef Seth Elgar makes mustard with eggs and beer. "I make this at home for deli sandwiches, because regular mustard is kind of boring." He also introduces us to the easiest pasta recipe there is -- spaetzle.
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