A new U.N. report says the world's oceans are strained from overfishing as global demand continues to rise.
In a biennial report on the state of world fisheries, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said nearly one third of worldwide fish stocks were caught at unsustainable levels in 2013.
The report forecasts that fish production will increase by 17 percent by 2025, but that won't keep up with surging demand, with world fish consumption set to increase by 21 percent.
Researchers also said the amount of farmed fish is set to surpass the amount of wild caught fish for the first time by 2021.
Read More:
- Global Fish Production Approaching Sustainable Limit, UN Warns (Guardian)
- UN Report: People Around the World Are Eating More Fish (Associated Press)
- U.N. Warns That 90% Of World's Fish Stock Is At Or Near Unsustainable Levels (Fortune)