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Scott Russell Sanders, Faculty Jazz, and a student recital journal

This week on Artworks, author and environmental activist Scott Russell Sanders talks about his book “Conservationist Manifesto” which will be published later this year by Indiana University Press.

Also on the program, the West Baden Spring Hotel is filled with the sounds of the Indiana University Jazz Faculty, Peter Noble-Kuchera steps into the “otherworld” of the new film “Coraline,” and we’ll go behind the curtain as we explore what it’s like to prepare for a student recital.

Stories On This Episode

Scott Sanders’ Conservationist Manifesto

Bloomington-based author and Indiana University Professor Scott Russell Sanders speaks with WFIU's Yaël Ksander about his new book to be published by the Indiana University Press in April 2009.

Jazz Faculty Revives West Baden Springs Concerts

This weekend IU jazz faculty travel to West Baden to perform in a legendary setting--the West Baden Springs Hotel.

Ashley Gilbertson: The Iraq War in Photos

The Indiana University School of Fine Arts helps kick off Arts Week with Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, an exhibit of photos by photojournalist Ashley Gilbertson. The exhibit depicts riveting images of America's early battles in Iraq. Megan Abajian from the SoFA Gallery explains the importance of this exhibit.


WFIU Movie Critic Peter Noble-Kuchera reviews the new animated film from Henry Selick, "Coraline."

Student Recital Journal: Liana Gourdjia

With lessons and classes and rehearsals, music students are busy folks. On top of that, they have personal practice time that can be up to half the day.

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