This week on Artworks:
Ball State University professor Duncan Campbell explains the importance the eleven mid-century modern homes in Bloomington designed by self-taught female architect Elaine Doenges.
Also on the program,
We ask what makes the Midwest such a compelling subject for writers.
And in this month’s installment of Amplifier we’ll talk about two bands: one that’s often compared to Led Zeppelin and the other that would be just as comfortable on the concert stage as on a rock stage.
Stories On This Episode
Elaine Doenges’ Mid-Century Modern Legacy
By Yaël Ksander - Aug 17, 2011

Despite Doenges' machine-age design style, the appeal for her clients--during the post-WW2 tract house era--lay in the way she personalized each home.
Break Away Books: The Literary Memory Of The Midwest
By Rachel Lyon - Aug 16, 2011
"Writers are tenders of the necropolis—people who take care of the city of the dead."
Cardinal’s Season Of American Dreams
By George Walker - Aug 16, 2011
"I think it's the strongest season we've put together." Randy White
Amplifier: Sleepy Sun – Balmorhea – Taj Mahal
By Michael Kapinus - Aug 18, 2011
Sleepy Sun balances power with delicacy. Balmorhea blends all genres into one accessible package. Taj Mahal is a blues legend - enough said.