The idea of a biographical opera based on the life of Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh has been floating around in the mind of composer Bernard Rands since the 1970s. And this weekend that vision will meet the eyes and ears of the public in the world premiere of Vincent at the IU Opera Theater.
The production staff has been understandably tight-lipped about the whole event, not wanting any of the juicy details to leak before the curtain goes up on April 8.
So how do you talk about an opera you can't see or hear? I decided to speak with the two baritone tasked with premiering the monumental role of the disturbed painter.
Both of these professional singers are used to the frenetic life of the performer; constantly learning and researching upcoming roles while rehearsing and staging others. Chris Burchett, I caught in the Musical Arts Center lobby during a rare free moment between rehearsals. And David Adam Moore stopped by the studio to talk about how he landed the role.