Muralist and musician Erin Tobey at work on the Science of Scale mural on the east side of The Kirkwood Apartments, 315 W Kirkwood Ave in Bloomington (Chaz Mottinger)
Erin Tobey has always been finding any outlet she can express her creativity. She moved to Bloomington in 2003, after playing in bands since she was sixteen. Nowadays, Erin Tobey works as a visual artist, painting murals, illustrations, and graphic design all over town. She also plays in a few bands including Full Sun and Brenda’s Friend. As a muralist, she’s painted for clients such as Wonderlab, Bloomingfoods, and the City of Bloomington. Her work is as much about developing relationships with people and environment where the mural will exist as it is designing the images, or doing the painting. Her goal? Making Bloomington’s visual landscape more fun.
Music by Brenda's Friend.