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The ant with moves like a cheetah

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Y: You’re driving pretty fast, Don. Maybe you should slow down a little.

D: Fast? I’m going 70 miles per hour. That’s nothing.

Y: That’s going as fast as a cheetah can run—I wouldn’t call driving as fast as the fastest animal “nothing.”

D: But a cheetah isn’t the fastest animal in the world, even though a lot of people think it is. The animal that can move the fastest is actually a lot smaller: the Dracula ant.

Y: An ant can run as fast as a cheetah? Something isn’t adding up here.

D: Move, not run—I’m talking about animal movement in general. Dracula ants can snap their mandibles at speeds up to 200 miles per hour—295 feet per second, in other words. That makes it the fastest animal movement on record. They press their mandibles together to spring-load them with internal stressors, and then release them so one slides over the other, something like a person snapping their fingers. Scientists say that the ants probably use this motion to kill or stun prey by flinging it away or slamming it against a tunnel wall, for example. Then they drag it back to their nests to feed it to the ant larvae.

Y: Just to the larvae? Why don’t they eat it themselves?

D: Because adult Dracula ants can’t process solid food. They get their nutrition by sucking the blood of their larvae. It sounds gruesome, but it doesn’t kill them.

Y: So that’s why they’re called Dracula ants. I was going to suggest a name change, since vampires don’t exactly make me think of lightning-fast speeds… but no, “Dracula ant” sounds just fine.

A closeup of a Dracula ant's light tan face, with several small hairs visible

Dracula ants can snap their mandibles at speeds up to 200 miles per hour—295 feet per second, in other words. (April Nobile / Wikimedia Commons)

You can pick up some speed when driving down the highway. There are some pretty quick animals too, the cheetah being probably the most well known. They can reach speeds up to 70 miles per hour.

But a cheetah isn’t the fastest animal in the world, even though a lot of people think it is. The animal that can move the fastest is actually a lot smaller: the Dracula ant.

An ant can run as fast as a cheetah? Something isn’t adding up here.

Move is the key word here, not run. Dracula ants can snap their mandibles at speeds up to 200 miles per hour—295 feet per second, in other words. That makes it the fastest animal movement on record. They press their mandibles over the other, something like a person snapping their fingers. Scientists say that the ants probably use this motion to kill or stun prey by flinging it away or slamming it against a tunnel wall, for example. Then they drag it back to their nests to feed it to the ant larvae.

They don't eat it themselves because adult Dracula ants can’t process solid food. They get their nutrition by sucking the blood of their larvae. It sounds gruesome, but it doesn’t kill them.

That’s also why they’re called Dracula ants. I was going to suggest a name change, since vampires don’t exactly make me think of lightning-fast speeds… but no, “Dracula ant” sounds just fine.

Reviewer: Chris Smith, Earlham College

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