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Should you sweat out a cold?

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Y: Are you OK, Don?

D: Sorry, Yaël. I just have a cold. Nothing a little exercise can't fix.

Y: Wait--you're going to exercise even though you're not feeling well?

D: Sure. When I'm a little under the weather I try to work up a sweat, and then I usually feel better. You know the old saying about "sweating out a cold?"

Y: Yes, but that's just folk wisdom, not science. Let me ask: do you have a head cold, or do you maybe have a fever?

D: I'm not sure. I might feel a little warm.

Y: I ask because if you just have a runny nose or sore throat, it may be OK to do some moderate exercise for a half hour or so. But if you're achey and have a fever, then it's better to rest.

D: I guess that makes sense. It's just that I've heard that regular physical activity can strengthen your immune system and help prevent catching cold and other illnesses. So I figured that even if you're already sick, doing something physical may help.

Y: Well, again, it might, but it depends on how sick you are. In some cases, like if you have a fever, working out can tax your body and make the illness worse. So you need to rest to regain strength. And when you're coming out of a really bad cold or fever, it's best to ease back into exercise instead of jumping right back in.

D: Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna go take my temperature.

Y: Good idea.

A line of empty treadmills standing next to each other, in black and white

If you just have a runny nose or sore throat, it may be OK to do some moderate exercise for a half hour or so (Jeff Blackler / flickr)

What do you do when you're feeling under the weather?

When I'm a little under the weather I try to work up a sweat, and then I usually feel better. You know the old saying about "sweating out a cold?" 

Although, that saying is just folk wisdom, not science. Depending on what you're sick with, exercise might not be the best idea.

If you just have a runny nose or sore throat, it may be OK to do some moderate exercise for a half hour or so. But if you're achey and have a fever, then it's better to rest.

That does make sense. It's just that I've heard that regular physical activity can strengthen your immune system and help prevent catching cold and other illnesses. So I figured that even if you're already sick, doing something physical may help.

And it might, but again, it depends on how sick you are. In some cases, like if you have a fever, working out can tax your body and make the illness worse. So you need to rest to regain strength. And when you're coming out of a really bad cold or fever, it's best to ease back into exercise instead of jumping right back in.

So next time you're feeling sick, take your temperature before thinking about exercise. 

Reviewer: David C. Nieman, Appalachian State University

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