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Chickens Have A Language

Chickens have a language?

Researchers debate this, and it depends on how you define language. But a series of studies done in Australia by Linda and Chris Evans suggest they do–at least a rudimentary form of language. Chickens, as you know, make a clucking sound. Researchers call it a "took."

A Took?

When a particular kind of "took" was recorded and played back, it caused chickens to examine the ground at their feet. When they altered the pitch of the "took," the chickens didn‘t look at the ground any more. Playing other sounds chickens make didn‘t cause the ground-examining behavior either.

So why does a "took" make you look? Hey, wait a minute. Maybe they‘re looking for food!

Searching For Food

Just what the researchers speculate. This particular "took" seems to be used to alert other chickens that food is present. Male chickens make this "took" around food, and do it much more when a female chicken comes near. The "took" seems to mean "Hey! Food here."

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