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Emotion differentiation makes you less angry

Three kids in their pjs, looking at the camera and making angry faces

Although we all get angry at times, for some people anger turns to aggression, while for others it doesn’t. The reasons for this have to do with how we regulate our emotions.

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An amphibian mother feeds her offspring with 'milk'

An illustration of a ringed caecilian with a green tint and rings around its snake-like body

Human mothers secrete milk to feed their babies. So do other mammals. Biologists now know that many other kinds of animal mothers also secrete milk-like nutritious substances to feed their offspring.

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Cultured fruit flies

A tan fruit fly with red eyes rests on a green leaf

Fruit flies might not have manners when they invade your home, but they do have culture.

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Putting science on display at the Great Exhibition of 1851

A colorful lithograph illustration of the exhibition hall in 1851

These days, you can hear about self-driving cars when you turn on the news, or you can browse store shelves for high-tech gadgets. But in the mid-nineteenth century, there was one go-to place for the public to view scientific achievement: the Great Exhibition.

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Optics and glue

A man holding a glass over a small child so the child's face shows in the bottom of the cup

A simple exercise to do at home with A Moment of Science.

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A Moment of Science Blog

Surprising Science: How Fungi Can Help Conquer The Final Frontier

The fibers of mycelium in mushrooms cover a large area

Today's Surprising Science looks at the emerging field of astromycology and how fungi might just hold the key to our space exploration efforts.

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Surprising Science: Bacteria Working As Art Restorers

Carlo Bononi’s Incoronazione della Virgine

Our last Surprising Science took us out of this world to learn more about how scientists determine potentially habitable planets. Today, we’re back on Earth to look at how some of our smallest life forms are impacting the art world.

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The Traveling Lazarus Lizard

A lazarus lizard sitting on a rock

How does introducing a new species impact an environment? The unique case of the Lazarus lizard shows there's more than one possible outcome.

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Surprising Science: Geology In Space

Outer space with tons of stars visible

Scientific breakthroughs can come from some surprising sources. Today's episode of Surprising Science looks at how different branches can create breakthroughs in other fields.

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Surprising Science: How The Film "Frozen" Helped Solve A Cold Case

A snowy treeline in front of a large mountain

Scientific breakthroughs can come from surprising sources. In the second installment of this series, we look at another recent example of this.

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