WFIU-WTIU Community Advisory Board Meeting
In the Kelley Dining Room, DeVault Alumni Center, and via Zoom
Thursday, February 2, 2023, 12:00 p.m.
Attending: Sharon Sung Andrews, Michele Bergonzi, Joan Curts, Pamela Davidson, Lauren Dexter-Burns, Mark Edwards, Sally Gaskill, Abby Henkel, Samantha Johnson-Helms, Cullen McCarty, Martha Nice, Lynn Schwartzberg, Adrian Starnes, Judy Stewart, Nathan Watson. Staff: Laura Baich, John Bailey, Brad Kimmel, Brent Molnar, Amy O’Shaughnessy, Joan Padawan, Marianne Woodruff.
Absent: Tom Bunger, Karen Gahl-Mills.
Brent Molnar calls the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.
Welcome & Introductions
No members of public are present to comment.
Fund Drive CAB Challenges/Matches
Amy O’Shaughnessy notes the value of challenges and matches posed by the WFIU and WTIU CABs in previous radio and TV on-air membership drives, and expresses a desire to secure a schedule of matches or challenges in the era of a newly-converged CAB. As the TV and radio March drives approach, she will be in touch with the CAB to continue the conversation.
WFIU-WTIU CAB Leadership
John Bailey recaps the survey sent to the CAB soliciting volunteers for board leadership positions. From that, station management has identified Joan Curts and Lynn Schwartzberg as candidates for CAB chair and vice-chair. Each confirms her desire to serve. Brent Molnar solicits votes for each from the full board; each passes unopposed. Brent and John discuss plans for rotating existing board members out. Martha Nice suggests approaching term limits in a staggered fashion as if the merged board is new. Brad Kimmel recommends allowing for no more than nine consecutive years on the board, but also allowing for another non-consecutive stint. John Bailey says he will craft new bylaw language for approval in a coming meeting.
CAB Working Groups
Brent Molnar introduces the new working groups, populated based on preferences expressed in the CAB survey: Advocacy (Pam Davidson, Lynn Schwartzberg, and Judy Stewart, with John Bailey and Brent Molnar as staff liaisons); Development (Joan Curts and Karen Gahl-Mills, with staff liaison Amy O’Shaughnessy); Cross-Platform Content (Lauren Dexter-Burns and Samantha Johnson-Helms, with the incoming Director of Content as liaison); News (Mark Edwards and Martha Nice, with Sara Wittmeyer and Joe Hren as staff liaisons); Engagement (Tom Bunger, Sally Gaskill, and Nathan Watson, with Laura Baich, Mary Ducette, and Joan Padawan as liaisons); DEI (Sharon Sung Andrews, Michele Bergonzi, and Abby Henkel, with Christina Lirot, Amy Beckley, and William Morris as staff liaisons); and Recruitment Strategy (Cullen McCarty and Adrian Starnes, with staff liaisons John Bailey, Brent Molnar, and new Director of Content).
1:04 p.m.