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WFIU-WTIU Community Advisory Board Meeting

In the Kelley Dining Room, DeVault Alumni Center, and via Zoom

Thursday, August 1, 2024, 12:00 p.m.

Joan Curts calls the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.

Welcome & Introductions

Roll Call
Attending: Tom Bunger, Joan Curts, Pamela Davidson, Lauren Dexter-Burns, Sally Gaskill, Nicole King, Cullen McCarty, Lynn Schwartzberg, Judy Stewart. Staff: Laura Baich, John Bailey, Eric Bolstridge, Mary Ducette, Brad Kimmel, Amy O’Shaughnessy, Joan Padawan, Lisa Robbin Young.
Sharon Sung Andrews, Michele Bergonzi, Martha Nice, Adrian Starnes, Nathan Watson.

Approval of May minutes

Livingston Assessment Update     
Brad Kimmel offers an overview of some recent events of note, including a well-received documentary about Major Taylor, and a recap of fundraising, which has found each station taking in higher total dollar amounts from fewer donors. State and federal funding remain stable. Kimmel also summarizes the process of an assessment by public media consultant Tom Livingston, commissioned by the Provost, of the prospect of moving IU Radio-TV from under the Provost’s umbrella to The Media School. Livingston has delivered his report to the Provost, and RTVS is continuing to await a final recommendation.

Engagement Update
Mary Ducette reviews recent engagement events undertaken by the station, including TIU Kids’ Day at the Monroe County Fair and a revival of Jazz in July in downtown Columbus; and previews the calendar for the year ahead, including WFIU 75th-anniversary observances throughout 2025. John Bailey discusses possible short- and long-form on-air acknowledgments of the anniversary. Ducette requests volunteers for station events from among the CAB ranks.

CAB Recruitment
John Bailey offers a reminder of a CAB term-limit “cliff,” meaning most of the board will be entering its final three-year term at the end of 2025 and rotating out in 2028. Bailey suggests adding members to the two-member CAB recruitment working group and renewing recruitment efforts in the year ahead, allowing for substantial crossover between new and veteran members; and suggests the development of a bylaws adjustment that stagger departures to prevent losing 10 of 13 members at once. Joan Curts suggests including an RTVS student intern at some meetings to represent the next generation of public media.

Other business
John Bailey offers a preview of a news documentary about southern Indiana sports media collector John Miley. Eric Bolstridge discusses reaction from national audiences and legislators to the Major Taylor documentary, as well as a forthcoming production of The Nutcracker in concert with the Jacobs School of Music. John Bailey delivers an overview of recent TV ratings made available to TIU through a CPB grant.

1:17 p.m.