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WFIU CAB Minutes, July 2021

WFIU Community Advisory Board Meeting

Via Zoom

Monday, July 12, 2021, 4:00 p.m.

Attending: Judy Stewart, Miah Michaelsen, Lacy Hawkins, Samantha Johnson-Helms, Sharon Sung Andrews, Alain Barker, Carolyn Calloway-Thomas, Nathan Watson, Matt Pierce, Catherine Winkler, Michele Bergonzi. Staff: John Bailey, Brad Kimmel, Eva Zogorski.

Absent: Sara Peterson, Sarah Taylor, Abby Henkel, Adrian Starnes, Lauren Dexter-Burns, Daren Redman, Quincy Robinson, Brent Molnar.

Alain Barker calls the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m.

Welcome & Introductions
Alain Barker seeks motion to approve April 2021 minutes. Judy Stewart moves, Samantha Johnson-Helms seconds. Motion passes.

Public Comment
No members of public are present to comment.

Board Composition
John Bailey introduces the newest member, Michele Bergonzi; bids farewell to Hilda Andres, who has left the area; and reiterates the nominations committee’s wish to repopulate in time to replace the five CAB members scheduled to rotate out at the end of 2021.  

CAB “Homework Assignment”
Board members offer followup on an emailed assignment to experience an event that promised to broaden their cultural perspective. Alain Barker reports on a survey of the monuments and artwork at Washington’s National Mall, and its reminder of the value of shared identity in a society. Samantha Johnson-Helms delivers a quick review of a book, “Invitation to the Party,” about cultivating inclusiveness within arts organizations. Judy Stewart recounts a challenging conversation about the meaning of being an American with a friend with divergent political views. Lacy Hawkins recaps a memoir by an American doctor, “In the Land of Invisible Women,” about her efforts to find common ground with locals while stationed in Saudi Arabia.

Meeting in October and Beyond  
John Bailey asks the board whether, with the community slated to open back up later this summer, the CAB should restore an in-person meeting schedule come October. Alain Barker suggests a hybrid model: a boardroom conversation and a Zoom dial-in option each time, with at least an annual commitment to an intentional gathering in-person. Judy Stewart concurs. Samantha Johnson-Helms and Miah Michaelsen advocate for retaining a Zoom option to facilitate attendance by CAB members well outside Bloomington. John Bailey will reserve the Metz Boardroom at DeVault Alumni Center for October, and will offer a Zoom link to all who prefer virtual attendance.     

Manager’s Report
John Bailey refers the CAB to the pre-reading attachment for the bulk of the report, and offers these additions:
- WFIU is, after a long piloting process, making The Soul Kitchen available to stations nationwide via PRX.
- The station is exploring the option of a limited series about various facets of Black American music, in partnership with IU’s African-American Archives of Music and Culture.
- And, a brief congratulations to two board members, Lauren Dexter-Burns and Abby Henkel, for being named to this year’s Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce 10 Under 40 Award.

SWOT and PEST Analyses
As a first step in the Radio-TV strategic planning process, the CAB brainstorms lists of perceived strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats that might affect WFIU’s market position.

5:25 p.m.