March 4, 2020 12:00pm
In Attendance:
Community Advisory Board Members:
John Bailey, Nicole Bolden, Joan Curts, Pamela Davidson, Mark Edwards, Hope Flores, Mike Hefron, Cullen McCarty, Martha Nice
Staff Members/Others:
Laura Baich, Mary Ducette, Brad Kimmel, Brent Molnar, Joan Padawan, Marianne Woodruff, Eva Zogorski
Sara Laughlin sent a note to Brent explaining that she has commitments that will prevent her from participating in the WTIU Community Advisory Board and is stepping down. She encourages the board to keep up the good work and to keep the “ADVICE” part of the meeting.
Roll Call – Brent Molnar
New Executive Director Brad Kimmel
A New Vision for Content and Platforms
Brad introduced himself as a fan of WFIU and WTIU. He appreciates the quality content. Brad is also excited about the opportunity to partner with other units on campus (Media School, Jacobs School of Music, etc.) to create content as well.
News and other content that public broadcasting has served during the pandemic has never been more important. Local content is especially important.
Redoing the stations’ (WFIU/WTIU) org chart for efficiency and effectiveness with an eye towards future needs is key priority.
Brad will seek advice from the CAB members as he develops a new strategic plan for the organization. He values input on how the stations should to adapt to future needs, what type of content they should produce and provide, insight on how are audiences changing. The strategic planning process is likely to start this summer – both for the individual platforms (stations) as well as the overall organization. The new strategic plan will span a three-year period.
Q&A / Comments from the CAB:
- Importance of the station as local source of news – especially as newspapers decline. Local and regionally content voids.
- Seeking updates on some of the long form documentaries that News did, and also issues that were covered for multiple weeks/months (opioids, Scott County, etc.)
- Missing coverage of local government meetings – city, county, etc.
- Utilize more student reporters in partnership with IU Media School for newsgathering or retirees?
- Study how the younger generations access/utilize content
- Educate the public on how local government works and civics – look to newspapers in western U.S. for inspiration
- Social media news isn’t always correct nor unbiased, and the station can fill the need
- Housing issues in rural Indiana too – cost, access to affordable housing, evictions, etc.
- Localize national stories and issue in our content – and make sure it reflects the makeup of our viewing area
- Emergency information is important to rural communities – severe weather, etc. Louisville stations don’t cover.
- Tech organizations - transport of bits is primarily targeted to entertainment and gaming. Not that much is being use for work, telemedicine, or education. Companies like Smithville are ‘transporters’ now
Datacasting Update
This week, 300 datacasting units were deployed in Jennings County. Monroe County School Corporation may be our second school system to come on board – with 200-300 additional households in need of datacasting services.
In coming months, 15-19 school systems across the state will come online in a similar fashion, serving 8,700 households and more than 11,000 students with educational content via datacasting across the state.
COVID Coverage (News)
Indiana Newsdesk is developing a special episode dedicated to a look back at the year of COVID-19, as well as a segment featuring the things that given people hope during the pandemic as well. The episode will premiere in its regular slot on Friday, March 12th at 6:00pm.
APTS Public Media Summit/Capitol Hill Visits
Going well. Legislators are appreciative of our services and have remained open to further conversation.
New Events to Serve WTIU’s Broadcast Area
Modeled after the WTIU Conference on Aging
Could be in-person and/or virtual
Should consider:
Service, mission-based content, connections to community, needs of our audience,
corporate support/development potential
Job Training/Job Skills/Resources
- What to do when your job is gone? Helping people navigate the process.
- Ask employers to what support they need.
- Businesses/industries that are changing need to help identify their needs and to influence change.
- Education about vocational training opportunities (HVAC, plumbing, electric, welding, etc.) “The vocational jobs you didn’t know existed” (Event? Or series of on air spots?)
- Job training happens at the job site.
- Example - the newspaper industry – what happened to the newspaper staff?
Small Business Support (legislation, regulation, finances, resources)
- Coaching for small businesses and how to adapt
- How to restart/grow a business.
- Are city/county business chambers across our viewing area already doing this?
- Resource experts could include: small business organizations, CPAs, attorneys, successful entrepreneurs.
- Would this be a one-time thing because of the pandemic? How could it become an ongoing event?
- Starting points/local advisors:
- Lisa Abbot at ROI - Regional Opportunities Initiative, working with schools and tech programs?
- Look at what ROI does for 11 counties
- Tina Peterson
- Jane Cooper Smith – City of Bloomington
- Center for Rural Engagement
- Work One
- Hoosier Hills Career Center
- IU Kelly School of Business
- Economic Development Groups (retirees who consult?)
- Chambers of Commerce – Bloomington, Columbus, Terre Haute, Owen, Green, Lawrence, Brown, Morgan
- Inside Indiana Business (TV show / host?)
Citizen Journalist and Media Literacy Conference? Or Camp?
- Don’t think about journalists though – because could lead to training for the jobs that just aren’t there.
- Think civics through journalistic means of learning.
- How do you train citizens to be journalists?
- Media literacy and consumer side of it too?
- High school/junior high school student as area of focus? Is there an IU Journalism Camp already doing this?
- Schools, newspapers, IU, editors as partners
- Advised not to “shoot too far – think in terms of what we can accomplish in every community.”
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Need to think about this one.
- A webinar/town hall may not have a lasting effect?
- What would be the action items/practical takeaways to affect change?
- How would this compete/compliment what the university is doing?
Young Parents/Young Families
- Ready to learn workshops
- Need funding and a part time staffer
- Books are expensive, but used to provide 30-40 books from WTIU.
- Parenting skills including literacy/modeled behavior
- At risk families need you to go to them
- Partner with Head Start or Boys and Girls Clubs
WTIU Series Survey
Future WTIU CAB Meetings (and COVID-19) Live, Virtual or Too Early to Call?
- March 4, 2021
- June 3, 2021
- September 2, 2021
- December 2, 2021
12:26:41 From Nicole Bolden (she/her/hers) to Everyone : Have to step away for a minute.
12:49:38 From Hope Flores to Everyone : Families with addicted loved ones...
12:54:04 From Joan Padawan to Everyone : Hoosier Hills Carrer Center based at North HS serves multiple schools from multiple counties. Seems they'd be a valuable partner in this type discussion. Work One as well.
12:54:32 From Joan Padawan to Everyone : Jobs for the special needs community would be a nice inclusion also.
12:57:47 From to Everyone : I have to join another meeting at 1. Nice to see you all - we appreciate your time and feedback!
12:58:45 From Martha Nice to Everyone : center for Rural Engagement can help, too
12:59:34 From johnbail to Everyone : I have to pivot to another meeting. It's been a very good discussion. Thank you!
13:00:00 From Marianne Woodruff to Everyone : I need to step away. So nice to 'see' you all! M
13:00:03 From Joan Padawan to Everyone :
13:03:25 From Joan Padawan to Everyone :
13:09:12 From Hope Flores to Everyone : Sorry I'm going to have to jump off here....
13:15:24 From Nicole Bolden (she/her/hers) to Everyone : Have to jump off
13:17:00 From Marianne Woodruff to Everyone : We need to be in the outer markets. Too often IU is the center, then Bloomington, then Monroe County. WE ARE MORE THAN ONE COUNTY!!!
13:17:59 From Marianne Woodruff to Everyone : Bye for real!
13:18:10 From Martha Nice to Everyone : Marianne, implicit bias is huge in rural communities