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WFIU Community Advisory Board Meeting

The Virgil T. DeVault Alumni Center, Metz Boardroom

April 7, 2014 at 5:00 p.m.

Notes Prepared by James Gray

Attending: Janis Starcs, Janet Stavropoulos, Ellen Sedlack, Charlotte Zietlow, Miah Michaelsen, Alain Barker, Carolyn Calloway-Thomas, Lynn Schwartzberg, Laura Ginger, Will Murphy, James Gray, Eva Zogorski, Nancy Krueger, David Wood, Marty Donnelly, Mary Hall, David Bowden

Via Phone: Lewis Ricci

Absent: Pam Davidson, Walt Niekamp, Catherine Hageman, Becky Cape, Peter Jacobi

Lewis called the meeting to order at 5:00pm. Janis Starcs moves to approve the minutes. David Bowden seconds it. Minutes approved.

New Business: Programming

• Will Murphy: John Bailey is sick, so I will speak to you about our current situation with PRI. They will no longer be distributing This American Life or BBC services. The BBC is now with APM, and we carry very little PRI programming. We pay a $19,000 affiliation fee to PRI. We want to continue carrying Afropop and Living on Earth, but the price is steep.

• David Bowden: Can we get Afropop without the affiliation fee?

• Will Murphy: Yes, but there is a marketing and administration fee of .just over $7700 per program.

• David Bowden: I understand The Record Shelf is carried through PRI as well. I love this program. I would hate to see it go, but I understand that these fees are steep.

• Will Murphy: John Bailey would say that it is a tough sell to spend money on programming that airs after 7:00 pm.

• Laura Ginger: They are losing a lot of business. Maybe we can bargain with them.

• Will Murphy: We may be able to do this.

• Lewis Ricci: Do we syndicate any programs through PRI?

• Will Murphy: No. We use FTP and PRX.

We plan to drop the HD-2 programming as well. It’s $4,000 for three programs.

Please send any comments or names of programs you would enjoy to me. Thanks.

New Business: Personnel

• Will Murphy: Alexandra Morphet is stepping away from Sunday mornings to join her husband on his sabbatical. We are not sure of what our plan will be yet. She is leaving at the end of April.

Old Business: Nominating Committees - Appointments

• Lewis Ricci: Let’s move on to the nominating committees. Miah is proposed as the Vice Chair and Lynn has agreed to be the recording secretary.

Janis Starcs moves to approve and appoint the positions. Ellen Sedlack seconds the motion. The motion is


New Business: Terre Haute

• Will Murphy: Lloyd Wright informed Perry that WFYI has been invited to simulcast on the campus of ISU. The reason is that ISU believes the partnership will increase the opportunities for student engagement. We met with President Bradley and asked if this had to do with our affiliation to IU. The answer is no.

• Carolyn Calloway-Thomas: Had ISU approached us?

• Will Murphy: No.

• Alain Barker: Is this type of engagement a goal for WFIU?

• Will Murphy: Yes.

• Lewis Ricci: Are we on TV in the area?

• Eva Zogorski: We are on cable, but not satellite.

We don’t have any data on how WFYI moving into the area will affect our membership.

• Lewis Ricci: Is there data on how many fans in Terre Haute would prefer talk content?

• Eva Zogorski: I can find that.

• Lewis Ricci: How will this affect our sponsorships?

• Will Murphy: Mia Partlow visits the area often. It is a complicated situation, and it is being made more complicated by the Infinite Player. This player will ask you what public radio station you prefer if multiple appear in your zip code.

Old Business: Governing Policy Revisions

• Miah Michaelsen: Last meeting, some changes to the governing policies were requested.

Miah Michaelsen runs through the changes.

• Miah Michaelsen: Are there any other changes that need to be made?

• Charlotte Zietlow: Instead of “appointment” of officers, it should say “election.” Following that, it should say “elect” and not “select.”

• Ellen Sedlack: I would like it to be added that it is the duty of the nominating committee to present a slate of officers.

• Miah Michaelsen: Good.

Janis Starcs motion to approve the governing policy after pending changes have been implemented. Charlotte Zietlow seconds. The motion is approved.

New Business: Nominating Committee

• Will Murphy: I have asked Catherine Hageman and Mary Hall to join the nominating committee. They both have agreed. I also suggest that that the executive committee works with them.

Other Business: Audience Survey

• Will Murphy: The audience survey data has been collected, and it is being crunched now. We expect a summary within the next two weeks. We are budgeting for the next steps.

Old Business: Says You

• Nancy Krueger: We have sold out the Buskirk Chumley, but there are still VIP tickets available. Those are $150 and include admission to the show and the reception before it at Farm. If you already have tickets to the show, you can buy tickets to the reception at the rate of $75 for two.

• Will Murphy: Marianne Woodruff and her team have sold 5 sponsorships so far. This pays for the event before the doors open. It is worth noting, an additional show may be added on Sunday.


• Will Murphy: I have added a spot on the agenda for additional feedback and thoughts you have on the station.

No feedback is brought up in the meeting.

Charlotte Zietlow moves to adjourn the meeting. Lynn Schwartzberg seconds the motion.


Next Meeting is June 30, 2014 at 4 pm