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Amy O'Shaughnessy

Director, Development

Call 812-856-3065

After Bill Kroll’s retirement from Radio-Television Services in 1991, whenever he stopped in the building he always dropped in on the engineering office. Bill understood and loved the labyrinth of technology needed to run public broadcasting stations smoothly—as well as the never-ending equipment upgrades to keep abreast of the changing media world.

Please help us increase the fund’s potential to make meaningful purchases with the interest income each year by making a gift to the Radio-Television William H. Kroll Endowment Fund. Click on the Give Now button to make a direct online gift:

Give Now

Or, send a check payable to the IU Foundation/Kroll Fund with account # P370008059 in the memo line and return it to the lock box at:

IU Foundation
Office of Gift Planning Services
PO Box 500
Bloomington, IN 47402

Your tax-deductible gift, small or large, will be greatly appreciated.

About William “Bill” Kroll

From working in WFIU’s post-war Quonset hut to overseeing the construction of the current Radio-Television building in the ‘60s, from a professor of film production and instructional systems, to technical and operations supervisor of broadcasting services, and ultimately to general manager of WFIU and WTIU, Mr. Kroll exerted a strong influence on many students, engineers and broadcasting staff over his 36 years at Indiana University.

Ken Beckley (past president of IU Alumni Association, Indiana Broadcasters Hall of Fame, and Sagamore of the Wabash) noted:

“Bill Kroll was a wonderful man and mentor to hundreds of students…Untold thousands benefited from his services to humankind. So many of us are trained by, mentored by, educated by gifted people and not until we get much older do we truly appreciate and understand how important those persons were in our lives.”

When Mr. Kroll passed away in the spring of 2012, so many people sent contributions in his name, that with the family’s agreement and support, RTVS opened the William H. Kroll Endowment Fund to honor Bill’s memory and leadership. Always an engineer at heart, we trust Bill would be honored by our efforts.


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