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Posts tagged ISIS

December 24, 2015


Avoiding World War IV

We can expect more violent challenges unless we make space for truly democratic alternatives to the current economic and military world order.

November 24, 2015


Paris and Liberal Values

To avoid a repeat of the Paris attacks, France and the US will once again have to confront the challenge of deciding how much freedom more security is worth.

November 12, 2015


Unintended Consequences In Syria

The brutality of the Assad regime seems to warrant military action. But it's worth remembering that in Iraq, regime change unleashed sectarian strife.

September 18, 2014


Taking Exception To Obama’s American Exceptionalism

Obama is right to condemn the Islamic State’s brutality. But ISIS doesn’t have a monopoly on savagery.

September 11, 2014


Who’s To Blame For ISIS?

The current chaos in Iraq, Syria, and beyond is a consequence of the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, which Hillary Clinton supported and Barack Obama opposed.

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