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Posts tagged Donald Trump

March 3, 2016


Poverty And The Campaign Trail

A proposal to assist the 90 per cent of taxpayers who are not benefiting from the country's modest economic growth would attract the author's vote.

December 24, 2015


Avoiding World War IV

We can expect more violent challenges unless we make space for truly democratic alternatives to the current economic and military world order.

November 19, 2015


The Campaign Game

The apparent lack of calculation that both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders employ with regard to their rhetoric is part of the candidates' appeal.

October 29, 2015


Should the United States Be More Like Denmark?

Bernie Sanders extolled Denmark's socialist system, but lately, Danish voters have been questioning the generosity of their social and economic policies.

July 23, 2015


Was Donald Trump Right About Immigrants?

Although widely denounced, Trump's claim about Mexicans coming in to the US should not have surprised anyone familiar with earlier waves of immigration.

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