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Bombing Negotiations With Iran

Only a diplomatic solution can both prevent Iran getting a bomb and avoid a new war in the Middle East, yet hardliners in Congress favor new sanctions.

The United States and other world powers are engaged in delicate negotiations with Iran to ensure that nation’s nuclear program remains peaceful. An interim agreement is in force freezing high level uranium enrichment and enhancing verification. In return, the U.S. and others promised not to enact new sanctions during negotiations. Only a diplomatic solution can both prevent Iran getting a bomb and avoid a new war in the Middle East.

Yet hardliners in Congress are preparing a new sanctions bill. President Obama has vowed to veto it. Whether Congress reaches the two-thirds majority to override his veto depends on whether some Democrats – notably Indiana’s Senator Joe Donnelly – join the Republicans pushing this legislation.

Hawks claim that their bill would mean increased leverage, pushing Iran to make further concessions. But the bill is an ultimatum imposing increased sanctions if Iran does not accept what many experts believe are unnecessarily humiliating terms for a final agreement. The President and global diplomats believe the bill would instead lead Iran to break off negotiations. Iranian hardliners, who have also opposed negotiations, would be vindicated, and Iran would likely step up nuclear activities. That in turn would set the stage for Israel to attack Iran and unleash a new war in the Middle East, almost surely involving the United States.

The last thing the world needs is another war, which would increase the risks of global terrorism as well, ironically, as the chances Iran would actually build a bomb.


David Keppel

David Keppel is an activist and writer living in Bloomington. He is currently working on a book on "Creative Uncertainty".

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