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Moment of Indiana History

Posts tagged Indiana Supreme Court

December 9, 2013


On The Vanguard For African American Rights

At a time when other branches of government proved inconsistent on matters of African American rights, the Indiana Supreme Court steadily upheld human rights.

March 18, 2013


A Woman’s Judgment

Although Ohio elected a woman to its supreme court in 1922, it was not until 1995 that Indiana would see a woman sitting on its highest state court.

January 7, 2013


A Founding Justice And His Scenic Overlook

Overlooking the Ohio River at Aurora, Veraestau was built as the home of a member of the state's first Supreme Court and a founder of Franklin College.

March 5, 2012


Helen Gougar: Foot Soldier For Suffrage

Gougar was converted to the cause of women's suffrage by the issue of domestic violence, which she hoped to be able to "vote away".

October 17, 2011


Hoosier Justice At Nuremberg

Two Indiana Supreme Court Justices were recruited into the grim business of holding Nazis accountable for their crimes against humanity during World War II.

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