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Moment of Indiana History

Archive for June 2005

June 6, 2005


Camp Chesterfield

Camp Chesterfield in Madison County, Indiana is the home of the Indiana Association of Spiritualists where communication with the spirit world is embraced.

June 13, 2005


Whitewater Canal

As settlers occupied the Northwest Territory, the need for transportation in Indiana was high. The Indiana Internal Improvements Act of 1836 helped, by constructing the Whitewater Canal.

June 20, 2005


Belle Gunness

A Scandinavian immigrant to Indiana is remembered as one of the most monstrous figures in American criminal history. The woman who came to be known as Belle Gunness arrived in in 1881.

June 27, 2005


Cole Porter

Cole Albert Porter composed hundreds of songs for Broadway, movies and television. He was born in Peru, Indiana, on June 9, 1891.

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