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Noon Edition

When Should We Clap? (Concert Etiquette Part 2: The Frontier)

hands clapped together

To clap or not to clap? (pixabay)

Last episode, we saw the creation of the first public concerts in Germany; they were solemn affairs. This week on Ethercast, we find out how concert etiquette transitioned from the church-like ambiance of early public concerts to the mid-movement cheering and applause of the Mannheim Orchestra concerts. Tune in to hear about the Mannheim Steamroller and the Mannheim Rocket!

Music heard on this week’s episode:

Johann Stamitz (1717–1757)

Symphony No. 3, Allegro assai

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791)

Symphony No. 40 in G minor KV. 550, Finale

Ethercast is a production of WFIU and the companion podcast to Ether Game, a classical music trivia show. Join us on Tuesday nights at 8 o’clock to test your classical music knowledge and win a prize!

Music Heard On This Episode

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