Last year, the Obama administration proposed the implementation of a tax on sugary beverages, which seeks to ease the strain on the federal budget (and trim America's waistline along the way), but the initiative fell flat.
New York State health commissioner Dr. Richard F. Daines has stepped in amid what seemed to be the initiative's death rattles, refusing to accept a dim future for the proposed the penny-per-ounce soda tax.
According to the New York Times, Dr. Daines has been traveling acr0ss his state in recent weeks to champion the soda tax to New Yorkers, despite its not fairing well with lawmakers
In spite of the many obstacles the soda tax bill would have to overcome, the New York State budget office calculates it would raise $1 billion dollars a year for that state alone.
Dr. Daines hopes the bill will earn more serious consideration during last-minute budget negotiations, when lawmakers become more desperate.