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Freezing Sweet Corn, The Rebel Way

Summer Treat

The thing about corn is, all year you dream of sweet, crisp corn on the cob. It is a summer treat that can't be matched by frozen ears in the freezer section, or imported ears of tasteless, starchy disappointment that seems to be available months before it is locally.

The reality is, sweet corn must be indulged upon while it is in season. One person boils the water while the other picks the ears. The kids argue about who gets to husk, and the occasional worm on the end is a source of entertainment for all ages.

Corn season is to be enjoyed thoroughly, and if possible, put up quickly for the pantry.

Preservation Methods

Corn can be put up in cans, or in the freezer. I have spent many years canning it, no small task. It must be cut from the cob, by hand, and that is after endless picking, shucking and cleaning. Home canned corn is delicious, but a lot of work.

Last year, I started freezing corn. This recipe is not for the faint of heart. There is no blanching, there is added sugar AND salt. Before I lose you, know that the end result is absolutely wonderful.

The bags need only be heated gently in a saucepan, for fresh-from-the-cob flavor. I have put up enough for two years before (I don't recommend it. It was months before I could look at a piece of corn with any desire to eat it).

The Rebel Way to Freeze Corn

Guard this recipe well, and never again will you buy the inferior bagged or tasteless ears that are available at the grocery store.

Combine the following:

  • 20 cups of sweet corn, cut fresh from the cob
  • 5 cups cold water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup salt

Stir gently until sugar and salt is dissolved. Scoop into quart-sized freezer bags and seal. Lay flat to freeze.

I know, this is not the low salt, low sugar sort of recipe that we all strive for, but in the middle of winter when you crack open a bag of this corn and it tastes as sweet and fresh as the day it was picked, these things simply won't matter.

How are you putting your corn up for the winter? Leave a comment and let us know.

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