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Massaged Kale Salad


Grandma used to cook kale for me when I was young and I hated it! She included it in what us kids called Dumb Soup, with kielbasa, potatoes and chunky over-cooked vegetables. If I only knew then what I know now about kale!

This dish is raw, so no worry about over-cooking the greens. It's a salad that is traditionally served with the Brazilian dish feijoada, which is a stew with black beans and pork -- and I mean all parts of the pig.

This time of year, you can probably still find some local farmers growing kale in hoop houses or greenhouses, so check your local farmers market for the fresh stuff. It stores well in the fridge, too. Wash and dry it thoroughly and place it in a plastic bag with holes. It will last 2-3 weeks like that.

Some tips for this recipe: Use fresh lemon and orange juices. It makes such a difference when the juice comes from the actual fruit! That, and don't over-salt your greens! Remember, you can always add more but you can't take it out once you've put it in.

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