Jane and Peter Kunz got started dairy farming because they weren't satisfied with the milk products available in their area. They wanted to create dairy that was full-flavored and wholesome.
Now, years into their pet project, they're winning prizes for their yogurt and cheeses.
"Do It Yourself" Dairy
Traderspoint Creamery is located North of Indianapolis. It's a great place to learn about cows and dairy. A doctor by trade, Peter Kunz believes that the only way to get good dairy is to "do it yourself."
So, in 2003, Jane and Peter Kunz decided to start up a dairy farm of their own. And boy have they been successful. In 2005 and 2006, Traderspoint yogurt was voted the nation's best by the American Cheese Society. But yogurt isn't their only specialty...
Some of the products Traderspoint Creamery produces:
- Cheese
- Milk
- Chocolate Milk
- Ice Cream
And of course, their award-winning yogurt which comes in flavors like banana mango, wild berry, vanilla, and peach and tastes great with homemade granola.
At Traderspoint, Kunz believes that all the flavor comes from grasses of the farm. After all, the cows on Traders Point's Creamery are all grass fed.
They don't classify their cheeses as Swiss or cheddar. They consider their cheese to be a class all its own!
Learn More: Traderspoint Creamery (Website)