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Cinnamon French Toast With Raspberry Spiced Syrup

french toast with raspberry syrup

Family-time for my family is often the time we share around the table. We try to slow down, enjoy each other's company, share stories and have deep discussions. That may sound fake and trite but we really do.

Meal times, and particularly breakfast, seem to be the only time we can hold court with our children and actually seem to hold their attention. From theology to sports, our conversations run the gamut, sometimes running far longer than the meal lasts.

I never want that moment, the one when my 12-year-old is listening with rapt attention to what I am saying, to end. Like a storyteller at the library he hangs on my every word.

This week's breakfast was cinnamon French toast with spiced raspberry syrup. (I also made omelets, but those were an afterthought.) Breakfast went on for a few hours as we didn't have any real plans for the day and like I said, I wanted to prolong the moment.

This meal was almost all locally sourced: bread from the Scholar's Inn Bakehouse, syrup from Burton's Maplewood Farms, eggs from Rhodes Farm and raspberries from Zink Berry Farm.

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