From saving for a financially secure retirement to the physical and mental processes of aging, learn how to navigate growing older this month on WTIU. Several of our July programs deal with this topic, providing a unique perspective on the joy and prospective challenges of aging.
Tuesday, July 2 at 1am
There are more than five million elder abuse victims in the United States, affecting an estimated one in 10 adults over the age of 60. Elder abuse is defined by the National Center on Elder Abuse as a knowing, intended or careless act that causes harm to an older person—physically, mentally, emotionally or financially. The documentary Elder Abuse & Exploitation examines the causes behind this mistreatment, neglect and exploitation. Experts suggest that our understanding of elder abuse lags decades behind child abuse and domestic violence and shares several surprising and thought-provoking facts about elderly abuse.
Sunday, July 7 at 7pm
Revolutionizing Dementia Care explores how people living with dementia can still enjoy full and meaningful lives based on their abilities, not their limitations. Experts and educators in the dementia care field discuss the changing landscape of diagnosis and care, and the benefits of these new models. From equine and horticulture therapies to city-wide dementia-friendly education programs for area businesses, Revolutionizing Dementia Care captures the evolving ways ability-focused programs can enrich the lives of those living with this diagnosis.
Sunday, July 14 at 7pm
Senior citizens found more than they bargained for when they joined the New Horizons Music Program, a program for senior musicians whose skills range from novice to seasoned. In the hour-long documentary, Music for Life: The Story of New Horizons, explore how a 30-member band in Rochester, New York has grown to a program that includes 10,000 musicians in 215 New Horizons bands across the United States, as well as Canada, Ireland, Australia, and several other countries. Members have discovered new abilities, formed life-long friendships, and proved to us all that life is a journey, not a race. The New Horizons program defies the notion that "retirement means sitting on your sofa all day, watching television, and waiting to die."
Sunday, July 21 at 7pm
In MoneyTrack: Money for Life, Pam Krueger presents a "Money for Life Action Plan," which gives viewers a step-by-step strategy for building and maintaining a financially secure future for retirement. She and co-host comedian and actor Jack Gallagher (Curb Your Enthusiasm), also discuss the sweeping technological and regulatory changes that are currently taking place in the financial investment world.
Sunday, July 28 at 7pm
Courageous people share their personal stories of end-of-life decisions, hospice care, and how to navigate The Journey Ahead. A 17-year-old's organ donation wishes are honored, and five lives are saved. Meet the doctors, nurses, social workers, and clergy helping people move forward.
Sunday, July 28 at 7:30pm
Every morning after taking a long list of medications, 89-year-old Phyllis Sabatini does her calisthenics and goes on a long walk around the Palm Desert neighborhood where she lives with her husband, daughter, and granddaughter. "Grandmom" may only be 4' 7,'' but she still stands tall as the head of a close-knit Italian American family struggling to come to terms with the declining health of its aging parents. Phyllis makes a radical decision to move into assisted living, realizing that leaving home is difficult at any age, but she learns that sometimes, the best way to say "I love you" is to say "goodbye."