This month finds a couple of longtime programs ending production. We must bid a fond farewell to Says You!—the “game of bluff and bluster, words and whimsy” that has long occupied WFIU’s Saturday noon hour—and to NPR’s pub trivia program, Ask Me Another, which has been part of our Saturday lineup on WFIU2 at 2 p.m.
Beginning this Saturday, October 2, we’re introducing one new program each on WFIU and WFIU2 and offering a fresh array of some of the other weekend shows on both channels.
WFIU Schedule
- Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me! moves up an hour to 10 a.m. on Saturdays.
- It’s Been a Minute with Sam Sanders moves from WFIU2 to the WFIU main channel Saturdays at 11 a.m.
- On the Media moves from Sundays to the Saturday noon slot formerly occupied by Says You!
- Hidden Brain and The Moth now appear on Sundays at 2 and 4 p.m., respectively.
- Feminine Fusion moves up to 8 p.m. on Sundays, with the encore broadcast of Sylvia & Friends following at the new time of 9.
WFIU2 Schedule
- To the Best of Our Knowledge joins the WFIU2 Saturday lineup from 6 to 8 p.m. TTBOOK is a Peabody award-winning program from Wisconsin Public Radio that invites us to dive headlong into the deeper end of ideas. Recent episodes have taken close looks at why humans spend so much time feeling guilty, how we can find more meaning in our jobs, and the idea of plants as sentient beings.
- Snap Judgment and Latino USA move earlier on Saturdays, to 2 and 3 p.m., respectively.
We hope these shows give you more reason to turn to WFIU and WFIU2. Let us know what you think.